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Cakewalk 2024.02 Early Access

Larry Shelby

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On 2/18/2024 at 12:55 PM, Sistine said:

they have bought Cakewalk

They didn't buy Cakewalk, Inc. They bought a bunch of stuff that Cakewalk, Inc. (by then an extinct company) once owned.

That stuff included the code and trademarks for a number of products, including SONAR. If they had been forced to also take on the old company's legal obligations, the deal would probably not have happened, and there would have been no Cakewalk DAW for the past 6 years.

Any agreements and obligations like warranties, debts, upgrade plans, whatever, became null when Cakewalk, Inc. was dissolved. That's how liquidation goes. The SONAR Platinum lifetime upgrades license was an agreement between two parties, and one of those parties ceased to exist over 6 years ago.

BandLab may decide to do any number of things as a courtesy to people who had agreements with the old company. So far those things have included 6 years of keeping the old company's licensing and download servers running, and issuing their rebranded version of SONAR with a free license.

They have no obligation to continue to provide free licenses for products they make with the SONAR (or any other) code. These are not legal technicalities or "some hedge lawyer thing." This is the way the world works, and decisions about whether to buy such things as lifetime upgrade licenses must take that into account.

Companies fail, especially in the music industry. FL Studio users are gambling that Image Line will be around for as long as they need them to be.

I'm pretty confident that whatever the fee is for the upcoming Sonar, it will come as a pleasant surprise to those who remember SONAR Platinum costing hundreds of dollars. BandLab's costs to produce and distribute Cakewalk/Sonar/Next are way less than when there was a Cakewalk, Inc. with multiple tiers of management, marketing department, legal department, centralized headquarters with maintenance, lease, reception, utilities, and so on. The Bakers were doing it lockdown style before it was hip.

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5 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

They didn't buy Cakewalk, Inc. They bought a bunch of stuff that Cakewalk, Inc. (by then an extinct company) once owned.

"bunch"? They bought almost all what was the source of Cakewalk Inc.! Only that's what I wanted to state. Actually I didn't and don't want to argue about that old stuff, but it provokes me if people sugarcoat BL.

There have been a lot of promises and indications in the last years and most is not true anymore. Just read the old theads. But maybe I (and some others) have just a growing fantasy, i.e. it's all pure imagination!

5 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

This is the way the world works

That's what I said in other words, too!

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2 hours ago, Sistine said:

They bought almost all what was the source CODE of Cakewalk Inc.

(there, fixed that for you) not their obligations 

2 hours ago, Sistine said:

I didn't and don't want to argue about that old stuff

? could of fooled me…

2 hours ago, Sistine said:

been a lot of promises and indications in the last years and most is not true anymore

we’ll just have to “agree” to “disagree” on that. 

2 hours ago, Sistine said:

maybe I (and some others) have just a growing fantasy, (paranoia?)

IF you distrust BandLab, Reaper is a very affordable alternative. Many here have migrated to Studio One and it is a robust platform (I hear). 
BUT whatever you do, you need to get over the “wrongs” inflicted on you by Henry. He is “bad guy”. It’s time to move on my son. Perhaps turn this “angst” into song?


my apologies in advance for getting yet another thread locked. I know better, but my “trigger finger” can only “itch” so much before I take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and squeeze it…

as @Bapusaid: IBTL

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1 hour ago, Sistine said:

They bought almost all what was the source of Cakewalk Inc.!

Me, I don't know exactly what was included in the sale.

The tone of your post seemed as if you have some anger toward BandLab. Did I get that wrong?

1 hour ago, Sistine said:

There have been a lot of promises and indications in the last years and most is not true anymore.

Promises and indications made by whom? Official representatives of BandLab? What were the promises?

In my memory, BandLab employees haven't made many promises in this forum, especially not specific ones. The most they ever say is that they are working on something or other, but even that is not definite.

In any case, I like to go on whatever has happened, vs. what might happen. So far what has happened is that Cakewalk by BandLab is still free to download, register, and use, the company has announced that it intends to replace it with a new, improved program called Sonar that will cost money to license. Cakewalk by BandLab will continue to function as it does now, but at some point in the future its registration servers may be taken offline. They haven't said how much money they are going to charge, nor have they said when any of these changes are going to happen.

Since I've been paying attention (6 years) BandLab haven't made any dikc moves (IMO), although I will say that I was really happy that the hard-timeout pop-up ad for Sonar that affected offline launches of CbB was dealt with in speedy fashion. ?

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For clarity Bandlab purchased the intellectual property rights to the source code related the software SONAR. 

They did not purchase the business Cakewalk Inc. or any other aspect of the business. That is still owned by Gibson. Any grief over what was paid to Gibson needs to be taken up with them Gibson.

At the time, 2017, a class action was discussed but we realised we would probably lose more money than it was worth pursuing. 

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[sort of] back OT

I got around to installing the Cakewalk Product Center and oddly everything did not have a green light.

So I installed all but Melodyne Essential (I own MS or whatever it's called these days). And everything still did *not* have a green light. I exited and re-opened. Green lights were aglow.

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I've used Reaper for years but decided Cakewalk was better for a band/studio I'm working with. We've been very happy with the results. Reaper is good for accomplishing certain recording/mixing/editing maneuvers quickly though it's scripting ability. I'm hopeful Bandlab rolls out an  inexpensive perpetual license that you can elect to upgrade annually for an also reasonable price. I'm allergic to monthly subscriptions.

Edited by Doug Steinschneider
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