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Magix Music Maker - 5 FREE Soundpools (limited time only)


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Came across this that was listed like it gave away Music Maker Premium, and it doesn't do that. But the code you get can be redeemed for 5 free Soundpools through the Music Maker program. Also to note, when I checked my Producer Planet account, the 5 it gave me was surprisingly the commercial royalty free license, even better. YMMV.


I know it says 24 hours only, but it still works. No idea for how long though. If you want em, I'd act now, can't loose with free. :)

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9 hours ago, audioschmaudio said:

What is a soundpool? Is that something that only works inside Magix Music Maker or is it just a sample pack that you can use with any DAW?

It's MAGIX's name for their construction kits, that is, sample packs (available in wav and ogg versions) where most loops are available in 6 or 7 keys (in some cases it's not just pitch shift, but a slightly different version of the loop in a different key, and changing from major to minor when appropriate). Soundpools also include additional info files (an ini and an xml) so that they can be integrated into MAGIX Music Maker's Songmaker AI composition tools (but you can just ignore these files if using with other DAWs)


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43 minutes ago, Kirean said:

Are they for commercial use? I remember some soundpools that came with Humble Bundle or somewhere else were just 'for personal use only'.

Unless you purchase a Magix commercial licence, they are 'for personal use only'.

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14 minutes ago, Lamia6 said:

The ones this gave me do say "Commercial (Royalty Free)" beside the download link. I just went to all the ones in their store page and selected the Commercial option, and it said that was already in my library.

That's good to know. 

Some in the past have been non commercial. Maybe Magix changed their policy.

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47 minutes ago, Promidi said:

Some in the past have been non commercial. Maybe Magix changed their policy.

Yes, for many years the vast majority of the deals included only the non-commercial license (unless you got a voucher for a certain amount of money and used it to buy commercial licenses). In the second half of 2023, they started offering deals that included the commercial license, finally! (but, make sure to check each specific deal)

(clarification: no, I'm not affiliated with Magix, but I am a soundpool addict)

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10 hours ago, audioschmaudio said:

By default my soundpool settings were set to .ogg. I now changed it to .wav to get better quality files but it didn't download the .wav files. Does anyone know how to force it to redownload the soundpools after the settings were changed?

1) Delete (or move to a different folder) the folder containing the soundpool with the ogg files

2) Rescan the soundpools (there is a button in the same program settings dialog you used to switch from ogg to wav) and then exit MMM

3) Start MMM, go to Downloads (View>>Window>>Downloads) and it should be available in the list of available downloads (with a button to actually download it)

Of course, you can always do it manually (and it may be easier if it's only one soundpool)

1) Log in to Producerplanet.com

2) Find the soundpool in your library page

3) download and unzip

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