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Hey There

freddy j

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Here is a little fictional story of what might happen when a guy meets and old flame.  It is done in kind of a country-bluesy style.  Most definitely it is not autobiographical. Actually, I posted this song a long time ago on the old Cakewalk Forum.  I was pretty green, it was not very good, and I got a few suggestions for improvement.  So, I took notes and removed it.  I remembered it a few days ago, found the notes and opened up the working file to have another go at it.  Hopefully, this version is somewhat better.

Any crit's, comments, suggestions, etc. would be very much appreciated.

Thanks and thanks to those that offered their comments way back when.



BTW SoundClick has a new look.  I think that I like it but I am still trying to get used to it.

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I'm putting this one in the top 5 of your songs I've heard. Good  bg vocals - is that you too? Good balance of sounds, bass stands out well, voc are clear - not too much reverb just right.
Good story too - not sure how I'd handle meeting an old flame. Living well is the best revenge as they say.

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This is a cool rockabilly tune - I also thought the BGVs stood out as being excellent - the best I've ever heard from you.

Good lyrics - I really enjoyed the listen - nice job.

The lead guitar licks fit well within the song.

By the way - looks like you have a nice collection of guitars in the picture.

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I think I like Soundclicks new look. I know I enjoyed/like your tune! I’m thinking slapback delay, at least that’s the route I would take (Sonitus delay, I like to set left and right slightly different). The jangle you’re getting when, I think, you’re picking inside chords in the solo is especially nice. Mind sharing your signal chain?

Ralph Murphy states that as songwriters we have to “write about places we’ve never been, doing things we’ve never done, with people we’ve never met”. I like to keep what might, or might not, be auto biographical ambiguous...

Thank you Freddy for keeping us updated on your journey, for in life, as in all things, it’s all about the journey.  Please keep sharing!


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Hi Bjorn.  Thank you.  I really appreciate your comments and encouragement.   How about that --- I got the reverb right for a change.  BTW, I really enjoyed your recent post.  I am still chuckling.

Hi amiller.  No prejudice on my part but it seems to me everything sounds better with a bit of rockabilly or blues.  Thanks for listening and for your comments.

Hey David.  I really appreciate your kind comments.  I did not use a VST plugin for the lead guitar.  I couldn't find the right sound for anything that I tried.  So, I pulled out my old DigiTech RP50 stomp box processor.  I found a setting (10 - F) on this that gave me the sound for which I was looking.  I don't know if they even make The RP50 anymore.

Thank you Douglas.  I very much appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment.  I am very much a sucker for searching out real good deals on guitars and have added a couple more to what you see in the picture.  I also lost a very good friend a couple of years ago and he left me his guitars (much to my wife's chagrin).

Hi Tom.  I like your Ralph Murphy quote.  It kind of hits the nail on the head doesn't it.  My signal chain --- hmmmm --- it is not very complicated.  As I mentioned to David above I did not use a VST for the FX on the lead guitar (which I assume you are referencing).  I used my Fender Strat and plugged it into the DigiTech RP50 which went directly in to my audio interface (Focusrite Scarlett 2i 4 - first generation).  I did use the Sonitus Equalizer to balance the sound for which I was looking.  Then all tracks were bounce to one track and I used this track to get my final mix.  I used the Sonitus Multiband Equalizer to get a final balance. I used Stero Channel  look at the volume levels  and then Boost 11.  Oh yes, I recently got the Wave WLM loudness meter to try and get the mix to EBU standards.  And that is it.  I really appreciate your kind comments and your suggestions.  Thanks very much!

Hey Paul.  Thank you very much for listening and your very kind comments.  The Traveling Wilburys --- cool!



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Hi John.  Thanks very much for the kind words!  Congratulations for 35 years with the Ms. W.  I guess that I am old fashioned enough to appreciate long term relationships.  BTW, I really like the recent song that you posted.

Hi Tom.  I always appreciate and respect your comments and suggestions. So, I'm going to have to take a look (perhaps more of a listen) at that bass.  Thanks for taking the time to comment and for the encouragement.

Hey Allan.  Thank you!!!  I'm glad that you liked it.  I appreciate the encouraging comments.

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This is one of your best, Fred!  Love it.  Everything goes together nicely and your vocal harmonies are superb.  Very entertaining piece of work from beginning to end.

Also love your self description on your SC page.  Sounds like somebody else I know.

??John B.

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On 10/11/2019 at 1:59 PM, thegaltieribrothers said:

Hi Freddy,

Nice tune which has a touch of the 'Travelling Wilburys' to my ears which I like very much.

Excellent vocals (especially backing vocals) + great guitar accompaniment fit really nice together.

Thanks for sharing.

Good Job!



nail on the head - Travelling Wilburys - a great thing in my book.

I really like this one Freddy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all!  Sorry for the delay in responding  -- but things have been just too doggone busy.

Hi Rik.  Thanks for listening and commenting.  Also, thanks for the heads-up on the lead guitar solo volume.  Now that things have calmed down a bit I am going to give a look/listen to both the both the bass and guitar volume.

Hi John.  Thank you!  I am very glad that you liked it and I very much appreciate the encouragement.  In writing my SC description, I was under no desire of or delusion of commercial  success.  I knew that I was only entertaining myself with the ever so slight chance that others might might find a giggle in my folly.   Who might that "somebody else I know" be?

Hi Daryl.  The Travelling Wilburys?  Wow, I certainly appreciate that!  Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and comment.  I really appreciate it.


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