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is this an advice that new Sonar is coming ?


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Music software developers need to constantly strive to reduce the number of mouse clicks when introducing new features.

This teaser popup just increased the amount of clicks at each Cakewalk start... :(

(Another example, the relatively recently revamped Bounce dialog is no longer possible to close just by pressing Enter. Another added mouse click.  :( )

Bakers - please always think of the child-, sorry, mouse clicks! :)

Edited by GreenLight
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On 2/3/2024 at 7:45 PM, Alan Bachman said:

Even if the Bakers thought it would be out by now and it isn't, this likely means that they are being careful that the product is really ready for release, and it is fair that the popup indicates that it is not far off from now.

So, I would rather they be a little patient on the release and feel good about it, rather than have it come out and too many people criticize it.   If it comes out in April or May, no one is going to say - Oh it is great but I am not happy because it did not come out earlier.   But if it is half-baked (pun intended), there will be a lot of criticism.

We waited this long and we have had the advantage of a free product, so I think we should give them some slack here.

ok, nothing metter when software will release ... jus a timeline ... ?

Edited by EnglandBross
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So I might have missed this.  People have been speculating about the Pop-up coming depending if you are online or not. My guess is that it's a timing issue. I was late to update to the final version so I'm not getting the Pop-up yet.  Not until the specified time after updating expires.

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Look at it this way. Since they announced it last June you realized the free ride was going to end.

So you can start saving up for the day you might have to fork over a couple hundred bucks for Sonar. 

If you had put a dollar each day in a piggy bank you should have almost $250 in there by now.

By the time Sonar is actually released you might have enough for the deluxe version and change left over for a Melodyne upgrade! 

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2 hours ago, Jimbo 88 said:

So I might have missed this.  People have been speculating about the Pop-up coming depending if you are online or not. My guess is that it's a timing issue. I was late to update to the final version so I'm not getting the Pop-up yet.  Not until the specified time after updating expires.

It's definitely the online thing. If you are online and your PC can access the Cakewalk servers, you won’t get the pop up.

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I think Cakewalk is smart to give plenty of advance warning. You have time to save up, or even explore other free programs (e.g., Audacity) in case it turns out the new Cakewalk doesn't work with your budget. Or, maybe Next is all you need anyway.

Most importantly, it's not like the old version stopped working. You can keep doing your thing until the new version comes out, and then you can decide whether it fits your needs and budget. And, every day that goes by without the new version being introduced is another day you can keep using an excellent DAW for free. 

One could argue they started the teaser campaign too early, but that's better than too late and catching the user base off-guard.


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