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Here We Are


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Hi All

I hope you're all keeping well.

I've had zero time for music lately, big project at work is just closing out and my son has bought his first house. In the UK we call a house like this a 'fixer-upper' and to say it needs some TLC would be quite the understatement, so all my spare time is spent honing my DiY skills to make it habitable. Still, the end goal of him being out of my hair in his own place is worth the pain.

Anyway, here's a bit of fun using EzKeys (it's made from one of the midi packs), some simple lyrics and a few harmonies - some sung and some 'faked' with Melodyne. I did this in a couple of hours I managed to grab recently.

Here We Are

Please forgive the odd discordant harmony - I can hear it but, with so many tracks, I can no longer find it. ?

There are some dips in the vocal volume I need to fix too (caused by comping and inconsistent mic technique) and some of the mix levels might need work.

Be nice - it's more of an adventure into the art of the possible than a serious piece of songwriting and recording. 


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Thanks all for taking the time to listen and critique. The harmonies are kind of fake, in so much as they have been largely (although not exclusively) produced with Melodyne.

The objective was to try and produce something with a bit of a gospel/ soul feel with fairly lush harmonies.

I guess it kinda missed the mark - ah well - got to have a few duds along the way; all part of the learning curve. ?

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Hey Andy . . . I think this is well composed, and enjoyed it very much ! Many comments above say "nice", but I'm hearing some great potential, even if this may be more of a demo idea mix, the song stands strong on it's own, and if you ever decided to record those harmony vocals in a different way this could be awesome.  There are some Melodyne  or Cakewalk tricks you could also use to get a more "natural" sound, like adding random deviations of pitch, timing etc . . . I actually really like the lyrics and main vocal melody + piano here very much !

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On 2/1/2024 at 1:51 PM, AndyB01 said:

objective was to try and produce something with a bit of a gospel/ soul feel with fairly lush harmonies.

Just a thought, use melodyne to write the harmonies, use as a guide track and sing them. 
Enjoyed Andy, the bones are here, now flesh it out. 


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