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Uninstalling Sonar


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I think it might be possible to keep some stuff but generally Cakewalk goodies that came with some older versions were tied to the license for that version. Somewhere there’s a list of what came with what. Scook would know but he seems to have disappeared back in September. I hope he’s OK. 
So the general consensus is to install the older versions using custom install and only check off what you need. The software itself takes up very little room especially when we now have 1 TB drives. 
I just installed Sonar Home Studio a while ago to compare it to Cakewalk Next. It’s 10 x the Software Next is. And it sold for $50 back then. If it was all I had I’d be fine except it doesn’t do regional effects. You have to run Melodyne in the bin. And no pro channel but it has the EQ. 
And it is good for lifetime of use with out authorization. 

Edited by John Vere
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