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Old Joad

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Some kids in the neighborhood put together a metal/grunge band and asked me to write them some tunes.

I wrote two for them and this is the 1st one.

I called some of my old friends to help me jam it out so I could hear what it sounded like, we recorded it on a 1/4 reel to reel.

very fast set up, a few practice runs, a few ???'s and then we recorded it.

needless to say it's a bit sloppy, but it was great to get my mojo working?

I'll post the 2nd one after we record it next week.


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On 1/26/2024 at 8:28 PM, bjornpdx said:

Sounds really good. Would be cool to hear the neighborhood kids' version. Speaking of which, the kids in my neighborhood have never asked me to write a tune for them.  Maybe they've heard my stuff.

Believe me I'll post it when they do.

Every now and then I jam on acoustic guitars with the drummers father. so that's how it came about.

Thanks for the kind words.

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On 1/27/2024 at 1:03 PM, craigb said:

Yep!  Add psychedelics to the mix, detune and speed it up some.  Then it will be Grungey! ?

You know they're going to speed it up? I can hear the stings being detuned as I type this, hopefully it will only be a half step?

I appreciate you taking the time to listen and post , thanks??

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On 1/27/2024 at 9:00 PM, Starship Krupa said:

Damn, that's some tight playing. Your drummer is solid!

What is your instrument in this lineup?

It's official, three ?'s makes a drummer solid??

I'm playing a Gibson Les Paul Standard into a TS-9 and a then into a Marshall JCM 900 4x12.

The lead is a Fender Deluxe into an old Peavey 2x10s dimed out, pure speakers.

Thank you so much for listening.



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12 hours ago, Rain said:

Cool song. I like how "real" it sounds - like an actual performance, not something that's put together from the ground up bit by bit. Nice.

Awesome bro?? thank you for listening and posting. BTW Kiss Rocks!!! not frogs?

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I was to lazy to go get my headphones so on an iPhone speaker the mix and sound is awesome.
It makes me miss the days in the 90’s when I had the studio and real drums and we did a lot of this.  We had those little Marshall Valvestates and a huge Laney. It was a music store as well so lots of guitars on hand. 

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Good song with a great beat and feel!! Excellent recording. Drummer is solid and has great push/pull going on. That's hard to do. It has to come naturally! And he does it well.

Guitars sounded great, as did the bass. Excellent lead sound. Sounds really good. What kind of PV? PV speakers too? Your rhythm is good and chunky.  

Vocals out front, could hear and understand all the words!!

IF I was to offer a suggestion, the kick needs some definition. At the very least more volume in the upper, to hear that "thap".

What kind of mics? into what kind of mixer? into any comps? LOL!!!

Excellent job!


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