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Paying tribute to my roots...


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Saw an ad for Scorpions’ residency in Vegas and it prompted me to dig up this thing.

A snippet of an early demo of a cover of Scorpions’ Still Loving You for my Post Mortem Spasms project. I call it Still Loving You (in the graveyard).

The arrangement popped in my head one night at work and I decided to put a demo together between calls. I recorded this basic vocal track a few weeks later, thinking that it would serve as a guideline for the singer who'd agreed to sing it. But when she heard the demo, she said I had to sing it myself. I hate my voice, my stupid accent, and I can’t sing, but who am I to argue with an actual singer?

And I think something inside me agrees. I have to do this one by myself. Plus, she promised to coach me, so I agreed. I am all about learning.

I used my old, cheap, beat up AKG hanging from the ceiling fan to record the vocals, with the AC on and all, did 3 takes, and moved on. There was no click, no nothing so the vocal comes in a little rushed and there are a lot of things I need to work on (I’m also not sure why the line “all the way from the starT” sounds like “all the way from the starS”.

But it’s only a first draft.

I must re-record it before the old iMac downstairs die because that’s the only computer that has all the libraries that no longer work on newer computer, including my beloved Cakewalk Dimension Pro piano. I think the harpsichord is the old Miroslav overdubbed with the Dimension one to add a bit of low end.


Edited by Rain
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