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"S" Gets In My Way


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6 hours ago, mkerl said:

I don't get it. I played around with loop markers, punchmarkers and now with selection markers. It' s better to have those markers than not IMHO. For example, S1 didn't have punch markers in V3.5 and I was really pissed of with that. What's the problem? You don't need the timeline to set an "Aim Assist" or Now time. So what's wrong with more capabilities?

And what problem do you have with just asking for the option to DISABLE it?!

Nobody here is saying that it's not useful, but it's getting in the way for some of us and we don't want to have to endure another vague "learning curve" to learn to use it or cope with it. I'm in the middle of working on a project and I'm used to working a certain way and I want to finish it, but now, all of a sudden, I have to deal with this "new feature" that gets in my way of doing something the way I've been used to doing it.  When I finish the project I'll look into how this new feature works, but for now, I'd rather just do without it until get my current project done.  If they give us this new feature, they should also give us the option to choose if we want to use it OR NOT!


Edited by Johnbee58
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"Aim Assist" or whatever you call the function that is toggled by the X key is very important and useful to my workflow.  It helps me line up clips exactly where I want them and more important, it helps me set up "punch in/punch out" points.  The Auto Punch function was new to me up until about a year or two ago.  It was not new to Sonar, but I just needed to take the time to learn how to use it.  Then, it became useful to me.  I'm sure this "S" and II have their usefulness too.  Actually, I don't use markers much.  I guess I should learn how because I can imagine how useful they are, but at this particular moment I don't feel like learning them, but they don't get in my way if I choose not to use them, unlike the "S" and the II things.


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1 hour ago, mkerl said:

No Problem. Didn't want to offend you. I just like markers and use them. 

S'Ok.  I probably would like them too, if I ever take the time to learn them. ?

BTW-I got the info today of yet another update.  I went ahead and installed it, but I didn't see anything different on this issue.


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Yea I think what it comes down to is we all like to work in our own way and when something is thrown in to our motorized fan it knocks everything out of kilt. just like those old reel to reel machines I used to keep up (and still do). Software can be complicated. I also respect the fact "you cant please everyone". I would just like a way to disable some of these features that I don't care for. As I said before, using CNTRL+SHIFT+A does indeed Deselect the green arrows making it possible to click in the timeline without obstruction.

With the way Punch in markers and Loop markers overlaid each other I thought this was a problem even before this "selection marker" was introduced. Now its one more marker to add to a timeline that was already jammed packed and starving for more room/size.

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Not to hijack but just a quick side comment..

Markers are another issue and always have been afaic in Cakewalk. The text is too small and hard to read and if you have markers within proximity of each other the text of one marker will actually superimpose on the text of another marker. So I've been using this other method I picked up on a YouTube tutorial where you use the first track and a silent midi note to give you a clip graphic to manipulate/split into color-coded marker sections. It's kind of a pita honestly but way more effective. 

But yeah, let's have a disable feature for this "S" thing, that'd be cool. 


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2 hours ago, Christian Jones said:

Not to hijack but just a quick side comment..

Markers are another issue and always have been afaic in Cakewalk.

Agreed. We have been asking for colored markers for a while now. 

Maybe right after they give the Staff View some love we will be able to get those color markers. : )

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to add that this issue is making it harder and harder to love my time spent in Cakewalk. PLEASE give us the option to turn it off!!! I beg of you bakers!

The worst part of this feature is that it makes it way harder to use the timeline zooming (is that what it's called?) where you click in the timeline and drag up and down to zoom in and out at a certain point.

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46 minutes ago, Jeremy Jensen said:

The worst part of this feature is that it makes it way harder to use the timeline zooming (is that what it's called?) where you click in the timeline and drag up and down to zoom in and out at a certain point.

I agree that it has made it harder to do that style of timeline zoom, and I'm not a fan of the >S< cursor although I get why it's there.

On the other hand, that pull-down technique is pretty clumsy and I've started getting used to the Alt-Scroll zoom as an alternative.

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4 minutes ago, Colin Nicholls said:

I agree that it has made it harder to do that style of timeline zoom, and I'm not a fan of the >S< cursor although I get why it's there.

On the other hand, that pull-down technique is pretty clumsy and I've started getting used to the Alt-Scroll zoom as an alternative.

I was not aware of the alt-scroll. I will give that a shot!

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1 minute ago, Chuck E Baby said:

@Jeremy Jensen For now the CNTRL+Shift+A works to deselect all, then you can timeline zoom.

I've found, though, that the S even shows up in some situations where nothing is selected, like when you want to click in the timeline near the beginning of a song. I have to settle for clicking near the near the beginning of a song. :) It just messes with me on multiple levels. I thought it sounded like a really cool feature when I heard about it, but it's really cramping my style the longer I encounter it.

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1 minute ago, Jeremy Jensen said:

I've found, though, that the S even shows up in some situations where nothing is selected

Yes,  <-||-> S cursor will appiear at where Now time was located when you did clear the selection last time.
Already Bakers know that and I believe it's fixed next update.

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I'm trying to get the hang of the Alt scroll zoom method as well.... - trying to un learn many years of  workflow habits is difficult.  I wouldn't mind if there was a little bit taller window on the time line for selecting the zoom tool.

Or Better yet - a dynamic navigator window which could be made switchable to either :

The traditional navigator window

-Or - traditional  zoom along timeline selection  -  you have a little more screen space for the selection tool.

or as Christian noted - color coded markers  and marker text that could stack above the previous marker if  they intersected each other. That window would grow taller as you zoomed out and markers pile up on top of each other. If color coded then those colors could also translate to the markers list row.


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On 10/10/2019 at 4:02 AM, Ben Staton said:

Hi all,
I've been experimenting with this, based on the the feedback here.
It's not really an issue when you're showing two or more time formats in the time ruler (MBT, HMSF, etc), because you can click underneath the selection handles to set the Now Time.
But there's not enough space to do that when there's only a single time format showing, so I can see how they might get in the way sometimes.
Let me discuss it with Noel et al. No promises, but there may be a way to bypass/mitigate the problem.

Just wanted to point out that it's still an issue even with an additional ruler because the S can get in the way of timeline zooming.

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