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2019.09 Feature Overview

Noel Borthwick

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@mkerl If the smart tool is on you need to click in the LOWER half of the clip for this behavior because this only applies to comp mode. The lower half of the smart tool has the comp tool functionality which implements this behavior. If you want to click anywhere and seek to beginning you will have to select the dedicated comp tool. Also make sure you are clicking on clips in take lanes since this only applies there.


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40 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@mkerl If the smart tool is on you need to click in the LOWER half of the clip for this behavior because this only applies to comp mode. The lower half of the smart tool has the comp tool functionality which implements this behavior. If you want to click anywhere and seek to beginning you will have to select the dedicated comp tool. Also make sure you are clicking on clips in take lanes since this only applies there.


Hell yeah!! OMG how embarrassing!! Only Take lanes . . . . I shouldt better take a day off ?

Thanks for your patience 

All the best

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58 minutes ago, Afrodrum said:

This is impressive, appreciate the way every new feature is explained.

I agree. These new roll-outs have been great, come with lots of info, and the best personal follow-up service I have ever seen from a software company!!

Hats off again to the Dev Team!!

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