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2019.09 Feature Overview

Noel Borthwick

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3 hours ago, eli0s said:

Hello, first post here!

Unfortunately to report that the new W (rewind) behavior is freezing / crashing Sonar each and every time I double tap it to go in the beginning of my project.  This is happening on an existing project with a video file open for scoring purposes. Removing the video fixes the problem.

Is there a way to revert RTZ back the way it functioned before?

Thank you for your continuous effort!


Hello @eli0s I'm unable to reproduce this. Are you clicking the Go to Start button at the bottom of the transport?
Could you please send a link to a dump file? Instructions here.

By the way there is no need to double click that button. It will always jump to project start.

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4 hours ago, MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve) said:

Showing dropout codes as a tool to empower users to problem-solve (including reporting the code for support if they cannot remedy it themselves) is brilliant! Is there a preferred place to report what might fall under "unknown" reasons?  For example, a week or two ago , I uncovered circumstances that seem to consistently cause audio dropouts.  I didn't ask for help because (1) it falls under "user error" (IMO) and (2) I know the user-error cause , how to avoid it, and how to undo it if I forget and do it again.

I don't think its a bug in the software, though telling users "Hey, this is what you did; the dropout will happen again if you make the same mistake" politely with an error code might be helpful.

UPDATE: The online doc (dropout codes) for 2019-09 opened in my browser when I clicked "Help" in the lower right corner. NICE!!!!



I'm curious how often you get code 0 and what you did before that. As far as I see that shouldn't be happening normally but I may have missed a case setting the dropout reason.

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So far I 'm really digging the new up date .. WOW !Thank You Bakers !

It has been a while since I studied and read music or did  lessons  w a teacher .

I was very excited to hear about the  ability to see the note names in the Piano Roll   .

I ran a little experiment over here  and I thought I would post it here in this thread ...

My first screen shot is of a Bach midi file I found for guitar ..Piano roll looks very clean and easy to read ...

( love the idea of being able to see all the notes uncluttered )



Then I said to myself " with this new feature we can go way deeper than this "..Hhhmmm how deep ? OK lets scratch the surface ...

I loaded up an audio file of a Bass guitar part in a new test project . Then I turned my audio part into a Groove Clip.


Next I inserted an instance of Dimension Pro  and chose a Bass patch  ...

( in Dim Pro I had to transpose  the patch up an octave for the patch to sound in the correct octave as seen in the following  pic after this one ) 


Next, I inserted my Bass audio track onto the Dim Pro track to perform a simple Monophonic Audio to Midi conversion VIA Melodyne ...

( I have the essentials version over here )

That simple process created a Midi conversion of my audio tracks Bass part as a mid file being played by the Dim Pro ....

Since the audio file was first converted into a Groove clip before conversion everything both the audio and Midi syncs up real nice  ...


Last but not least What I consider to be "The icing on the Cake " of this new feature in Cakewalk


It's pretty easy for me to read this over  standard  notation in  Bass Clef  . Also ,  I prefer the sound of the Dim Pro over the original file ....

FWIW , I happen to enjoy using Cakewalk as a learning tool for all the various elements of music  I may encounter in my musical journey .

I hope someone gets where I'm going with this . Just think of the possibilities of where you can take it !


all the best ,





Edited by kennywtelejazz
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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

I'm curious how often you get code 0 and what you did before that. As far as I see that shouldn't be happening normally but I may have missed a case setting the dropout reason.

Thanks for following up and thanks for asking. I had at least two files open with different midi clock sources and switched between the open projects from the Windows drop-down menu. One was set to use midi sync, the other set to use audio.  I confirmed that at least twice today before posting my question. Later in the day, I got a code 13 dropout; I am not sure what prompted that. (I dealt with it and moved on.)

I will see if I can replicate it now with the code 0.

Results of quick test: With three specific files, after switching I got code 13 four times. With two of the files open, I got code 0 four times when switching. It is possible that something within those files other than the midi clock source makes a difference as to which dropout code I get.

BTW, when I consider having two projects open at the same time with different clock sources "User Error" (i.e., not a bug). Easy fix: Don't do it!

Update: Currently narrowing down possibilities when switching with the two-files loaded. Drop out code 0 seems to happen when I switch with the transport off (not playing back). When playing back just not (several times), there was no audio dropout, though there was a consistent audible glitch. (Dropout Msec = 250)

It is possible the code 0 comes from (1) Cakewalk not receiving midi clock (i.e., not being sent) and (2) the transport being stopped.

To be tested.

Update: I need to sort this out for my own needs (real-time performance stability), so I will be doing further testing, probably tomorrow. But for now, I can get audio dropout code 0 both when my external clock source (1) is and (2) is not transmitting midi clock. This is prior to putting Cakewalk into external midi clock standby mode (i.e., prior to pressing play on the transport and getting "Press <Esc> to cancel. Waiting for MIDI Sync.")

Once in external midi clock standby mode, the Window drop down menu is disabled, so no switch can take place until after the transport has been started from the external source. Then an external stop command successfully stops the playback, Cakewalk goes back to midi clock standby mode, there is no audio dropout, etc. as expected.



Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
To add the results of a quick test, some additional testing results, and an update.
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There is probably a simpler reason for Code 0. I think its just that the dropout reason was not assigned someplace it should have been. I'll see if I can find it.
Code 13 is your ASIO driver telling the host that something changed that requires a reload so we force a dropout. Perhaps the sample rate changed or another app did something to the driver that caused it. As long as it doesnt happen all the time its normal.

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13 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Hello @eli0s I'm unable to reproduce this. Are you clicking the Go to Start button at the bottom of the transport?
Could you please send a link to a dump file? Instructions here.

By the way there is no need to double click that button. It will always jump to project start.

Hello Noel,

I am using the keyboard shortcut "W", not the UI buttons. Double tapping "W" while the project is playing used to stop the sound and revert the transport at the beginning. Now, when tapping "W" on a new project, without a video file loaded the transport keeps going back to the Now Time and play back without stopping. With a video loaded, a simple "W" tap repeats from the Now Time position, while a double tap goes to the beginning of the project and stops the sound. 

On my existing project with a video file loaded however, the second option freezes Sonar for about a minute and a half, looping the sound (the familiar grrrr sound of a very short loop). At first I thought that the program crashed (Task Manager said it didn't respond), but if I wait it eventually unfreeze. Until I double tap "W" again.

Using this shortcut is engraved to muscle memory, so this is very inconvenient for me. Why did the Go to Start function changed and is there an option to revert it back the way it was before?

Finally, the dump file is over 13Gb in size, so it's practically impossible to sent it. Also, I installed Procdump but the command "procdump.exe -ma Cakewalk.exe cakewalkhang.dmp" found on the other post you linked is not recognized.

Thank you for your insight Noel, be well,


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5 hours ago, eli0s said:

Hello Noel,

I am using the keyboard shortcut "W", not the UI buttons. Double tapping "W" while the project is playing used to stop the sound and revert the transport at the beginning. Now, when tapping "W" on a new project, without a video file loaded the transport keeps going back to the Now Time and play back without stopping. With a video loaded, a simple "W" tap repeats from the Now Time position, while a double tap goes to the beginning of the project and stops the sound. 

On my existing project with a video file loaded however, the second option freezes Sonar for about a minute and a half, looping the sound (the familiar grrrr sound of a very short loop). At first I thought that the program crashed (Task Manager said it didn't respond), but if I wait it eventually unfreeze. Until I double tap "W" again.

Using this shortcut is engraved to muscle memory, so this is very inconvenient for me. Why did the Go to Start function changed and is there an option to revert it back the way it was before?

Finally, the dump file is over 13Gb in size, so it's practically impossible to sent it. Also, I installed Procdump but the command "procdump.exe -ma Cakewalk.exe cakewalkhang.dmp" found on the other post you linked is not recognized.

Thank you for your insight Noel, be well,


@eli0s this is described in the notes below. The only change to the W behavior is NOT to stop playback since its not standard to stop playback when seeking. The same also applies to the transport RTZ operations. Its desirable to jump to the start of the loop or beginning of the project and continue playing in many cases.If you need to stop playback why not press the spacebar? Seeking on the transport doesn't stop playback so why should rewind operations do that. 

We tried W with a video file and did not see any hangs. Is it possible to upload the specific video you are using? Does it happen with any video file? 

Updated transport behaviors

Go to Start and Go to End buttons now accurately seek to project beginning and end, and do not stop playback.
The W (rewind) key always seeks backwards in time to the prior "landmarks". There are 3 landmarks:
the original playback start time the loop start time the project start time (time 0, or 1:1:0)


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I would still like a way to turn off  selection in the timeline. I love the new features. I love cakewalk and there's not much I don't like about these wonderful updates. but there is too much going on in the timeline to make accurate clicks, having to cycle through Green/Select - Yellow/loop - punch/red. I know the tab key, but I can barely click on a marker without hitting that "double sided arrow / S in the timeline. my work around now is to use CNTRL+SHIFT+A to de-select all, then I am able to make accurate clicks.

EDIT- I would like to say, you cant please everyone all the time, so im not complaining per say. I'd just like a way to work like I did in previous versions where clicking in the timeline was a bit simpler.

Edited by Chuck E Baby
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47 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

These updates are making it hard to keep up with all the knowledge I need to know.  CbB is awesome and very deep. I wish I had the time to squirrel away with the program again. 

Haha, yeah a lot to learn. A challenge to keep in step with the bakers. No mercy ??

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9 hours ago, eli0s said:

. Now, when tapping "W" on a new project, without a video file loaded the transport keeps going back to the Now Time and play back without stopping. With a video loaded, a simple "W" tap repeats from the Now Time position, while a double tap goes to the beginning of the project and stops the sound. 

On my existing project with a video file loaded however, the second option freezes Sonar for about a minute and a half, looping the sound (the familiar grrrr sound of a very short loop). At first I thought that the program crashed (Task Manager said it didn't respond), but if I wait it eventually unfreeze. Until I double tap "W" again.


Interesting. When I hit "W"  during playback the transport always repeats from Now Time. Double or triple tap always repeats from Now Time too with a small Delay (playback) of maybe half a second. To start from the beginning of the project when the Now Time is not at the beginning of the project, I have to hit Spacebar to get the transport to the Now time without playback, then hitting "W" to start playback from the beginning of the project. 

No matter if I have a video file loaded or not - but without a video file loaded I have no noticeable delay when hitting "W" multiple times. 

Maybe it's how your system handles multiple commands in a short time. Chipsetdriver? Audiodriver? SATA-Driver? Just wildcatting . . .  ?

Edited by mkerl
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W during playback will first rewind to the last landmark from the current position. If "On Stop Rewind to Now Marker" is active then the last landmark is where playback started from so it will first rewind to that. If you do the same while transport is stopped the last landmark is potentially the loop start time (if looping is enabled) and then the project beginning. If you press W rapidly before the time starts advancing from the landmark it will jump to the previous landmark from there. However unless you are using video which takes longer to seek its likely you will never see that behavior when playing since seeking audio is very fast and time will start advancing.

If you want to rewind to the beginning of the project during playback press the Go to Start button on the transport or press CTRL_HOME.
Anyway I cannot reproduce any stability with the W key and video.


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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

 If "On Stop Rewind to Now Marker" is active then the last landmark is where playback started from so it will first rewind to that.


Ahh, I had it activated. I see. Thx for clarifying

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