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Wusik DRS1 Free for newsletter subscribers until February 1


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"For a LIMITED TIME, get it for FREE. The only requirement is that you subscribe to the newsletter (even if you uncheck the newsletter check you will be subscribed). Also, be sure to check my Patreon page and contribute to my projects at Ko-Fi. This offer expires on February1st, so hurry up!"

(even if you uncheck the newsletter check you will be subscribed).  I guess he's being honest about it this time around..


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I love that he blames covid as the cause of his business (apparently) failing.

From what I've read on KVR, Reddit, and other forums, this guy will spam people incessantly and just when you think he's finally removed you he'll do it again. He allegedly gets booted from many of the mass email newsletter services because of recipient complaints, including from myself. He's been banned from multiple subreddits for spamming, including /r/vsti because after he was banned, he then posted more spam from an alt account so they've had to do a keyword ban. The moment anyone criticizes or questions him the flame wars begin, as we've witnessed on Reddit and KVR.

I've read that many people complain that they've bought in to his so-called "group buys" and he's never delivered on promised products that were under development.

I've never purchased anything from him and never will. I just can't support anyone who runs his business like this and I don't understand why anyone else would either. And donating to a monthly Patreon account? Not a chance!

update: just checked and it appears that Reddit has suspended his account. I wonder why!

Edited by WyleyRabbit
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