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This was wild!


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I was watching World War Z the other day.

I thought 'how unbelievable that the only 2 uninfected people who survived the plane crash were the 2 who were looking for a cure.'
I mean really. Do they think we're dummies?


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1 hour ago, 57Gregy said:

I was watching World War Z the other day.

I thought 'how unbelievable that the only 2 uninfected people who survived the plane crash were the 2 who were looking for a cure.'
I mean really. Do they think we're dummies?



Our fired, Netherlands president Mark Rutte,boo'd & hated here due to a 13 year streak of destruction of our little country.

As a reward now seems to become head of NAVO.

Then you should get another World War quickly, no movie or game....but the real thing.

Sorry, I know 'no religion' in the Coffee House..

Edited by Sheens
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I'm not sure why people worry about lights in the sky. Seems it's rather common occurence.

I'd be a lot more worried if I saw something like say, a door, or even just a nose.

Edited by Rain
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2 hours ago, Rain said:

I'm not sure why people worry about lights in the sky. Seems it's rather common occurence.

I'd be a lot more worried if I saw something like say, a door, or even just a nose.

I guess you haven't seen the many "Glitch in the Matrix" videos that have come out lately!  There's some very weird stuff going on over the last couple of years!

Here's one:


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