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Long Project Opening Times


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Some have mentioned CbB taking several minutes to load a project.  Not sure why but I'm seeing this due to certain plugins, and not always the same plugin between projects.

One project hangs while loading Session Drummer 3.  Another one hangs loading Kontakt.  And so on.

If some of the projects are closed and reopened, they load much faster.

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I rarely have anything 'hang', but if you have clean memory, Kontakt/UVI/VSL Syncron/Komplete Kontrol can take a few (5-15) seconds to load and initialize without any instruments loaded on a new project, but reloading the same project or even a new project is inevitably faster because they are already cached. Never bothers me, cuz I know what is in ram at the time.

If I'm changing from one huge project to another in the same studio date, I will flush my ram between sessions with a batch file, and I always expect the load to take maybe 20-30 seconds anyway. No biggie in my world.

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Kontakt has options for managing how much of the sample set loads that might help. SD3 is pretty light and I'm seeing no delay with it, loading several projects I hadn't opened for years.

I wouldn't pay to much attention to other threads about slow-loading unless the symptoms are near identical to yours and they ultimately found a solution that you might try. There can be many different causes, and most of us are not experiencing abnormally long load times.

Check your Windows performance monitor in Task Manager to see what it's working on when the load "hangs".  You might need to get familiar with Microsoft Process Explorer or Process Monitor to get a better handle on it.

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Another nice utility to try is Moo0 System Monitor 1.83 (Free). The "Portable Version" is most convenient, since you can just unzip that anywhere (even a flash drive) and use it whenever you feel a need for it rather than to install anything. For your scenario, run that so you can see it (you may need to resize the Cakewalk app) while opening a project and pay attention to the [Bottleneck] and [Burdened By] fields at the top. It is a nice dashboard for all of the Windows System parameters in play at a given time, so may shed some light on what is happening (disk reads for sample loading, RAM, etc.).

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Thanks.  I really don't expect plugins installed on the main drive to take as long as some of these.  And this has only been happening recently.

Be cool if Moo0 SM would tell me why CbB ends up in Background Processes literally 50% of the time I close it forcing me to log off the system or reboot.  Happens with new empty projects as well as others, so don't know what to blame for it.

Edited by sjoens
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13 hours ago, sjoens said:

Be cool if Moo0 SM would tell me why CbB ends up in Background Processes literally 50% of the time I close it forcing me to log off the system or reboot.

I believe this is caused by the audio hardware/driver not responding as expected when CbB releases the ports. It happens on my laptop, but only when using Realtek in WASAPI mode. I've never seen it after a normal exit using ASIO drivers on any machine, and it doesn't happen using WASAPI on my Desktop PC, so it seems to be hardware/driver-specific. If it's happening with an ASIO driver, you should report it to the Bakers with details of your PC/Interface configuration.

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