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Waveform Issue ***SOLVED***


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This is an odd, one, something I've not experienced but I know others have

I was worknig on a short vocal clip (audio) and applied Melodyne as a Reigon Fx

Tweaked it uintil I was happy then rendered the clip to take Melodyne out of the picture

Now the waveform no longer displays

So I thought, no problem, I'll jsut right click the clip, select  "Associated audio Files" and there's buttong in there to Recompute Picture(s)

Result - no wavefrom

I've tried 3 or 4 times, same result

I've shut down Cakewalkm rebooted and tried again, no go

I've duplicated the clip onto another track, same story

I've also looked in the take lanes but they show flat as well (just a single take in each)

So any idea? This isn't crucial to me finishing off the project - I might re-record the vocal anyway, but it it annoying - seeing an empty clip but it clearly isn't empty 



Edited by Bristol_Jonesey
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1 hour ago, mettelus said:

That is an odd one. Have you tried clearing out the Picture Cache as well? That will also force recomputing (all) waveforms and is the only other option that comes to mind.

Good idea - I'll try that ?


Edit to add:  I haven't cleared out the cache for years so I'll defnitely do that tomorrow

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Interesting so if you record at 16/24/36 bit and 44/48/96 Khz etc could cause issue with project bit rate and project FILE RENDER SETTINGS  therefore,

 i always record at 24bit/48Khz unless i have to record the spidif at 24/44 either way my projects template is ALWAYS on 24bit/48Khz with the 64bit engine ticked and FILE RENDER at 32bit as you keep bouncing "RENDERING"  at 24bit you get loss. Sneaky idea this effects Melodyne sometimes 


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