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8Dio Quintet Strings $68 USD Reg $150 USD (KONTAKT FULL)


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8Dio Quintet Strings $68 USD  Reg $150 USD (KONTAKT FULL)

I have seen this library in the past, but i thought it was just another bundling of the Deep Solo Strings, which I already owned and never clicked on the web page and read or listened to the demos. Today I did and this is one of the beautiful sounding string libraries I've ever heard. I watched Troels walkthrough, watched a review video and forget it, I'm getting this. I don't even have hard drive space (I have a new hard drive I need to install). At $68, at least for me this is a huge no-brainer. Absolutely gorgeous. 

This was the support person's response to me when I wanted to confirm that I was correct about this being different libraries: 

"Hello Peter, 

Thank you for contacting 8dio support. 

The quintet strings and the deep solo strings are completly different sample sets yes. The quintet strings specifically focus very heavily on legato, while the deep solo strings are more "all around" string options. 
Best Wishes, 
8dio Support

To be completely transparent, I'm friends with 8Dio's CEO and I was at their site partially because she asks for my marketing and branding advice, but mostly because I was curious about exactly what they're doing with pricing for the Black Friday sale and stumbled across this. At this point, the string libraries I am in love with and am contemplating buying, are Bunker Samples Viola which is $69 (and sounds different than any other viola library I've heard, in a beautiful way). and Sonixinema's Solo Cello, although buying this collection now makes me uncertain if I'm still going to pick up that cello too. I need to install this and figure that out. But $68 for this, that's great, IMO. 

9-way Round Robin Legato articulations
15 Articulations
14.000+ samples / 15.29GB
5 Different Sustains
9 Types of Bowing Arcs and Arc FX
Advanced Section Control
Microphone Control Close, Far & Noise Microphones
Deep-Sampled 2 Violins, 1 Viola, & 2 Cellos
Full Mixer for each instrument and section
Advanced Layered Legatos w/ dynamics
Delivered by Download
Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail (or later) Required


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  • PavlovsCat changed the title to 8Dio Quintet Strings $68 Reg $150 (KONTAKT FULL)
13 minutes ago, Kirean said:

Got these for $45 at some point the past year. Haven't had to really sink my teeth into them yet.

Are you sure these were for $45? 

If anyone here has them and wants to share your thoughts, please do. @Carl Ewing you wrote that you own a bunch of 8Dio libraries. Do you own these? And if you do, could you share your thoughts? I'm about to buy them and Steve is also interested in them. I always thought they were a bundling of Deep Solo Strings for some reason, which I own, but today I realized they're completely different and fell in love with their sound after listening to the the demos.

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34 minutes ago, Kirean said:

In June it was $60 and then some promo code  took extra 15 off (not the affiliate voucher, but an anniversary sale specific one) to make it $45.

Ah I wasn't even think about that, 8Dio does use referral codes for new customers that are $15 off for new customers and $15 credit back to the regular customer who shares the link or code.  I just posted about that yesterday encouraging people to PM Larry if they were new customers. If anyone who's never bought from 8Dio before wants another $15USD off they can PM a current 8Dio customer to get $15 off (not me this weekend though, I'm going to be unavailable for a bit). Although I'm not sure if that always works with sales. I think sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.  But it's always worth a try, IMO. 

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I just bought the library. I have to prepare for a trip, so I wanted to get this done.  I love the sound of the strings too much to pass these up. I watched part of the KVR guy's review video and Troel's walkthrough, and that showed me enough about playability and the raw sound to know that this is for me. I just need to install my new hard drive to have a place for them.  Unlike Bapu, I cannot say, "Installed!" I can't even say "Downloaded!" I can only say, "Purchased."

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  • PavlovsCat changed the title to 8Dio Quintet Strings $68 USD Reg $150 USD (KONTAKT FULL)
12 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

Are you sure these were for $45? 

If anyone here has them and wants to share your thoughts, please do. @Carl Ewing you wrote that you own a bunch of 8Dio libraries. Do you own these? And if you do, could you share your thoughts? I'm about to buy them and Steve is also interested in them. I always thought they were a bundling of Deep Solo Strings for some reason, which I own, but today I realized they're completely different and fell in love with their sound after listening to the the demos.

Oh - I don't actually own these so can't comment. Noticed in later comment that you bought them - definitely let us know what you think once you get a chance to play around. :D

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2 hours ago, Carl Ewing said:

Oh - I don't actually own these so can't comment. Noticed in later comment that you bought them - definitely let us know what you think once you get a chance to play around. :D

Thanks, I'm going off to my son's college to enjoy a football game and will need to install a new hard drive first before I can install these when I get back. 

For anyone who has followed the 8Dio attacks or has concerns about them due to their competitor who owns VI-Control, the reasons behind  him attacking 8Dio are due to 2 factors,  they're a competitor and 8Dio's CEO  criticized his management of VI-Control and pulled all their money from the site in protest of some of Mike's censorship practices. The infamous first attack thread on 8Dio that's been brought up in every 8Dio thread at VI-Control by Mike, but also is brought up whenever someone tweets about 8Dio, in other forums. All you need to do is read this except from one of Mike's meltdowns: 


"[8Dio's] 'race to bottom' pricing strategy is bad for the industry. It makes things difficult for those of us who are trying to invest in producing quality products and need to price them accordingly. In my own case, I'm over $160k in recording costs alone for our upcoming choir library. $160k. And that's before editing or advertising or licenses or paying myself for my time. Yet I guarantee someone will post on my Facebook ad that it's overpriced, because they got Requiem Pro for 35 bucks. Guaranteed. In fact, I got one of those yesterday on my Nightfall ad, as someone said it should be $39, because that's what Product X is.

It's not healthy for the industry, and from what I've heard, Troels and Tawnia don't give a flying f*ck. (Before they sic Amanda on me again, they're welcome to correct anything I'm saying. I won't delete anything they post.) They've got a large catalog they can keep drawing from, so it will be a while before that well runs dry.

I might add that a year and a half ago, Tawnia told us (here) that 8dio wouldn't be doing sales like this anymore. But ... did anyone really believe her? I didn't, which is why I bookmarked the post.

So yes, I get really pissed off seeing that 8dio Flash Sale thread day after day, bumped to page one of Latest Posts, cycling blowouts on the same damn products (you know they're being repeated, right?) with the same damn discussions, over and over and over. Making a mockery of the companies I do respect.

F*ck that."

It's a pretty basic fact that a company doing sales. as 8Dio does, is not an ethics problem and the idea that a competitor is trying to work with them to fix pricing is literally illegal in the US and most countries. But that is what Greene asserts that he's tried to do, to price fix and get 8Dio agree to not do deep discounting. As far as the lawyer that Mike claimed was being sicked on him. That's actually a friend of his and his good friend's wife telling him that defaming a competitor is not legal or ethical.  

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