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(not a deal) All the smart people are in the Deals section.


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You wonder why I usually post questions here, because there tends to be a lot of clueless people in the Q & A section.

So, cheers!  All the smart individuals exists in the Deals section.

Probably, because they come from many different DAWs of life.

Cakewalk only individuals are missing out on many features that other software DAWs have that if Cakewalk had, would make it more useful.

I'm thinking that I should use Reaper to MIX, then MASTER in Cakewalk due to the dithering of pwr-3 that I love.

Cakewalk mixing is a pain in the @ss without the "dry run" feature Reaper has.  I am less productive with Cakewalk currently due to it missing that feature.  I can't find any texts in Google or Bing, nothing anywhere, that the feature even exists in Cakewalk.  So, IMHO, Cakewalk is probably best for Mastering, and to Mix in Reaper due to this missing feature.

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