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UVI Retro Organ Suite for $59


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31 minutes ago, Fleer said:

I quite like Key Suite, especially Digital. 

Yes, I am interested in that too. I don't have many UVI products yet and am curious about all of them. They make some very nice stuff and are very attractive.

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42 minutes ago, Lionel said:

Is $59 the lowest price it's  been?

I was considering this too and looked that up for both of us @Lionel

According to the Music Software Deals website, this is tied for the lowest price they have among the retailers they monitor. The lowest price they have found for it was from Audiodeluxe back in March 3, 2022 when they were selling UVI Retro Organ Suite for $59 USD. 

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13 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

I was considering this too and looked that up for both of us @Lionel

According to the Music Software Deals website, this is tied for the lowest price they have among the retailers they monitor. The lowest price they have found for it was from Audiodeluxe back in March 3, 2022 when they were selling UVI Retro Organ Suite for $59 USD. 

Thanks for looking it up! ?

I really want this as I LOVE organs... but BF/CM is just around the corner and I just know there's gonna be a TON of other things that I'll want, heh

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21 minutes ago, Lionel said:

Thanks for looking it up! ?

I really want this as I LOVE organs... but BF/CM is just around the corner and I just know there's gonna be a TON of other things that I'll want, heh

Yeah, I definitely can relate, Lionel. I'm trying to limit my spending -- and doing pretty well at it (not perfect, but pretty good!). IK's B3 plugin that was recently on sale sounds really good and I somehow let it go and will let this one go too. I suppose -- depressing as this sounds -- I sometimes rationalize that as much as I love this stuff, I really have no physical ability to play any of this stuff very well (due to tendinitis and 20+ years of not playing combined), so that -- sometimes -- helps me to reign in my some of my gear acquisition syndrome. Although I am in love with the sound of a B3 and other organs and took organ lessons as a kid (my mother and eldest sister were both music teachers and we had lots of musical instruments in the house, including an organ -- unfortunately not a B3 though -- but we had a Leslie speaker and a Wurli. Hence, I have a great fondness for those sounds. 

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1 hour ago, Fleer said:

Well, Hammond will be launching the M-Solo for $999 soon. 
Count me in. 

Well, if you decide you want to resell the stuff you're upgrading from, let me know!

I just made a couple of purchases at Knobcloud that were really good deals. I don't think I've purchased -- or sold -- a second-hand sample library before that. But that name -- KnobCloud?! Seriously? The siteowner posted about it on VI Control and was aware of the slang meaning of the word. I'm thinking I should be clearing my browser history after visiting that site! Otherwise, someday after I pass on and my family's going through my stuff, I could just imagine my wife and kids seeing my browser history and a conversation that goes something like this: 

"Hmm...Dad spent some serious time at a site called 'KnobCloud.'  Who would have guessed? Apparently, there was a side of dad we never really knew."

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3 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

Yeah, I definitely can relate, Lionel. I'm trying to limit my spending -- and doing pretty well at it (not perfect, but pretty good!). IK's B3 plugin that was recently on sale sounds really good and I somehow let it go and will let this one go too. I suppose -- depressing as this sounds -- I sometimes rationalize that as much as I love this stuff, I really have no physical ability to play any of this stuff very well (due to tendinitis and 20+ years of not playing combined), so that -- sometimes -- helps me to reign in my some of my gear acquisition syndrome. Although I am in love with the sound of a B3 and other organs and took organ lessons as a kid (my mother and eldest sister were both music teachers and we had lots of musical instruments in the house, including an organ -- unfortunately not a B3 though -- but we had a Leslie speaker and a Wurli. Hence, I have a great fondness for those sounds. 

@PavlovsCat  - one of the easy answers to being able to get nice playing even if held up by tendinitis or amateuritis is EZKeys!

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4 minutes ago, lawajava said:

@PavlovsCat  - one of the easy answers to being able to get nice playing even if held up by tendinitis or amateuritis is EZKeys!

Yeah, I realize that.

But I don't get any joy from using parts that other people created, so I don't, for the most part, use loops or MIDI. On the rare occasions, I will use loops it will be for a non-essential part of song. I will often MIDI for drumbeats, especially when I am struggling to hear a click track (I have a significant hearing loss) But my thinking is, for better or worse -- and I'm not knocking anyone else's preferences, just sharing mine  -- I don't want to use parts someone else played or programmed unless it's another musician I'm working with. Because what I enjoy so greatly about playing/making music and what I miss so greatly about music is playing with other musicians and being able to play exactly what I hear in my head fluently.  So I can't do either of the latter, but I still want to create music. I still enjoy doing that, even when I can't play very well. Using parts that someone else played -- unless it's someone I'm actually collaborating with -- is like the difference between creating a painting starting out with a blank canvas or using a connect-the-dots kit. While the quality of the connect-the-dots painting may look far superior to what you can do on your own with a blank canvas, it's not really yours, it's someone else's work. Even if my playing is terrible -- and I'd say most of the stuff I share isn't terrible, but very pedestrian playing, sometimes with shakey timing due to a combination of tendinitis and being long out of practice -- I still get the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that I created that. And it has motivated me to push myself to get better.  Granted, I'm definitely not saying I am or will ever be a good player again -- and don't think, barring a miracle or some fantastic surgery (I do have a surgeon my doctor recommended that I need to schedule an appt with) and then I'd still need tons of practice -- but I'm playing better than I did 3 years ago when I first attempted to play again.

To all of you other kids out there with challenges,  keep at it!* 

Okay, that's my TMI post of the day. 

* I use the term kids tongue-in-cheek. I'm not even sure anyone under 40 even occasionally visits this forum! 

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11 hours ago, jngnz said:

Unlike the Key Suite stuff, this is quite excellent.

What do you prefer about this one over KeySuite?   Do you own Keysuite and find it lacking?  

Keysuite is  not my first choice for acoustic piano libraries, but there are some nice offbeat stuff in their plucked and Metallophone sections.   I think the electrics are better than the ones in Arturia, but, not as good as Keyscape.

But the digital collection is superb IMHO.  If you like those kinds of sounds, and I do.  

And they all work in Falcon, which creates a ton of possibilities you can't have in other keyboard libraries, from 20 sequencers to harmonizers, etc. 

How does the Hammond in the UVI Retro collection compare to other Hammonds on the market?   I feel like there aren't any organs in it that I don't have covered.  But being in Falcon is a big deal. 

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