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  1. Lionel

    Prime Day 2024

    There’s TONS of lesser-known brand name items. With that said… If you’re in need of studio headphones, they’ve got some Audio Technica cans on sale. They also have some nice Fender instrument cables on sale in their signature colors.
  2. Lionel

    Prime Day 2024

    No prob! On these big sale events, I’ve usually found accessories to be the best bet… like studio headphones, cables, HHDs/SSDs, memory cards, tuners, capos, guitar straps, strings, cases/bags, etc. I’ll try to post any good deals that I find
  3. Lionel

    Prime Day 2024

    Well, it's Prime Day worldwide. Anyone find any good music gear deals? Or, anything related like HDD/SSD/accessories/etc. Just curious 😀
  4. Ahhh... I see. Good to know. Thanks!
  5. How does one get a voucher? I've purchased so many plugins from them, yet I haven't received any vouchers for months.
  6. I don’t use Garage Band, so I’m not sure how their export process currently works. However, I’m thinking you could skip the “transfer to Mac” part… and just use an app like Audacity(or similar) to convert your .au files to .wav
  7. Not quite sure if you're referring to exporting audio files from Mobile iOS DAW and then opening in your Mac/PC DAW... or, if you're trying to transfer your own local audio from your computer to an iOS DAW. But, in general... It depends on the app you're using. With some apps, you need to transfer the audio assets by connecting to your computer via USB using the iTunes desktop app. Other apps have cloud options. For example, with Ableton Note, you can use Ableton Link. What app are you using?
  8. If you plan on upgrading to the other bundles, I'd gravitate towards plugins that aren't included in those bundles.
  9. Amazing sounds 👌
  10. One-time purchases, updates for life, amazing sales, great upgrade paths, etc. Tbh, this is THE model all big companies should attain to. Melda FTW.
  11. Guess it depends on your particular genre, but I actually like some of the presets/sounds. Not bad for 7 bucks. And not bad if you're looking for a cheap product to obtain one of the PB freebies of the month.
  12. I have this... don't ever reach for this, tbh. But! It's a great price!
  13. I purchased this bundle right before that March 26th debacle... where Waves pretty much forced many of us to register our purchases by that date. I wanted to wait until I registered that bundle... on my own terms. Long story short, I don't use that bundle. And I never intend to use any Waves products ever again. It's just not in my workflow. I can definitely live without Waves in my life. Kind of a blessing in disguise, actually. I can easily ignore those reoccurring $29 sales and their BF/CM sales and just concentrate on other plugins.
  14. I'm a Reason + Live user. Surpised Reaper or Bitwig didn't make the list. I'm definitely not surprised Pro Tools isn't on that list. They haven't done anything exciting since adding elastic audio, ADC - audio delay compensation and getting rid of HW as dongles to use PT (being sarcastic, of course). I'm an ex-Pro Fools user... I have some resentment
  15. Just curious, where was this poll taken? They should do another poll: “Which companies update their software drivers the best?” Pretty sure Avid would be somewhere there at the bottom and RME somewhere at the top. It’s amazing how some HW have such short lifespans because of the lack of updated software drivers. For someone investing in their gear for the long-term, rock-solid and updated software drivers are what’s most important when I’m purchasing an audio interface(or any other HW device that requires SW, for that matter). I’ve had multiple Avid/Digidesign MBOX units, multiple M-Audio units including the ProjectMix I/O and NI Kore which all are essentially doorstoppers now(unless I use an old OS). I get it… it’s a business. But I still would like to use my gear. I appreciate and gravitate to those companies that have maintained their drivers throughout the years.
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