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2023.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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On 11/9/2023 at 5:32 PM, David Baay said:

Different users are reporting "slowness" at different points: launching CbB to the Start Screen, scanning plugins, "Loading tracks and clips", "Creating UI", "Almost done", etc. Several of these "slow load" issues have been resolved by specific actions like eliminating a big archive file that's being picked up by the Media Browser (not a new issue), adding exclusions to A/V scanning, removing or reverting to a previous version of a plugin, power-cycling the interface, rebooting, etc.  In addition to the tendency of users to attribute every new issue to the most recent update, there's also a tendency for user's to see a very generic problem description like "slow loading" and latch onto that as matching their issue when there's actually no commonality to the exact symptoms or root cause.

For me it's sluggish GUI response when working in Cakewalk's browser that progresses with time. A few minutes after opening Cakewalk, when I click on an effect in the browser, I have to wait for it to be highlighted (blue color) considerably longer. When dragging effect from browser onto a track I have to wait for the GUI to draw this action, if I don't wait it won't accomplish. It's happening with last few Cakewalk updates. Anyone else?

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17 minutes ago, bitman said:

When editing midi in the piano roll, I deleted a note, then hit ctrl-z to bring it back. This undos the edit but not after a spinning circle of delay of about 3 to 5 seonds. - every time.

Yes... I’ve been experiencing sluggish response often as well. Haven’t figured out why as this didn’t happen before. Almost like the intermittency of Internet action responses.


Like what’s going on starting the program (empty).

It used to take near 7 seconds regularly.

Now it's more like 15, somerimes 30 and even ~54 seconds before the Sonar splash disappears and the program active.

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Few years ago we were talking about this same topic of the blue spinning wheel of boredom. So it is not a new issue. For me it turned out to be True Pianos. If I deleted and re inserted it went away. So no clue to why that was but it would happen on dozens of projects. I still use True Pianos a lot and the issue went away on its own. 
Then last year around March the spinning blue wheel of boredom returned. This time it was my Data drive was starting to die. Oddly enough it was only 2 years old and less than 1/2 full. But apparently this is more to due with how many times you write and delete. It was a 250GB Samsung SSD and the Magician said I’d written over 5 TB of data to it. Such is the life of a audio/ video data drive. 

So point made is I don’t think Cakewalk all of a sudden is to blame. It’s always a plug in or system acting up. 

Edited by John Vere
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Go to: Preferences>Audio>Devices and select the M2. 
If the M2 is NOT there, start a new thread with a title something like “CbB does not see M2”. 
Explain that Sonar Platinum does “see” the M2. Screen shots would help. 
I’m sure the forum can get this sorted, but you need a separate thread. 
Your request here will get “buried”.


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I received an email yesterday asking me to sign a confidentiality agreement about the new SONAR.

I signed!

What are the next steps for using the BETA version?

My biggest concern when carrying out such tests is not to interfere with the version I am using in production of my work.

Is there a danger that installing the BETA version when done will interfere with what I already have installed?

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6 hours ago, Canopus said:

As you've signed the NDA, you should know that you do not discuss Sonar outside the private Sonar Beta discussion group. It's really that simple.

Your response is very kind.
Could you tell me where I can access the group, since the message received doesn't say anything about this?

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FYI. @Milton Sica

All versions of Cakewalk and Sonar since the beginning of time are completely different  core programs that install separately from any other versions you have installed. 

Many of us have 3 or more versions of Sonar and Cakewalk installed so as to benefit from past add on goodies. 

In the past  there was always dialogue during install that asked if you wanted to use the settings from already installed older core versions. 

I don’t have Sonar beta but my guess is that these traditions will not change. 

Cakewalk by Bandlab was always just one core program and we received updates to that version that obliterated the last one, so that is entirely different from installing a brand new Core program which Sonar is. 

Updates are changes to core programs.  

Installing the beta of Sonar is no different than installing the Beta of Next or even Pro Tools for that matter.  


Edited by John Vere
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On 12/15/2023 at 1:43 AM, John Vere said:

All versions of Cakewalk and Sonar since the beginning of time are completely different  core programs that install separately from any other versions you have installed. 

Their shared folders are the same:

Cakewalk Shared\

Shared Plugins\
Shared Utilities\
Shared DXi\
Shared MIDI Plugins\
Shared Surfaces\

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8 hours ago, Vyacheslav said:

Their shared folders are the same:

This is true. However, it has never caused issues in the past. There is no reason to think that it will now. I’m sure there are a number of “regulars” here on the forum that have been in the beta program for some time (evidently this has been going on for a year). IF (capitalized on purpose) Sonar was creating “issues” with CbB projects, priority one would have been “fixing” that. A shame really that Sonar was announced long before it was ready to “roll out”. 
Lots of paranoia in the user base. I’m sure Presonus is laughing all the way to the bank!

just my nickel98,


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11 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:

shame really that Sonar was announced long before it was ready to “roll out”. 

And obviously the same with Next. I just pulled the plug on the testing and even logged out of Discord.
It’s is so far from ready and it’s a mystery as to what is going on. They have put it in the hands of 1,000’s of people, mostly new comers. 
So it’s being tested buy people who wouldn’t know a bug if it bit them. 
Example is nobody on this forum is interested in it but we would be the best resource for testing. I Think saw one or 2 handles I recognized. The rest are Bandlab app folks.  

All I can think of is that it isn’t even 1/4 of what Home Studio was. I paid $35 for Home Studio. With inflation let’s make that now $50. So what is 1/4 of $50 ? 
It is scary to think of why Sonar would take so long. 

Im going to install Home Studio on my second testing computer and finish the song I started in Next that all fell apart due to midi editing bugs.  I have 2 reasons to see what Home Studio was like.  

Edited by John Vere
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John, I applaud your efforts with Next, and hope you will keep an eye on it as it develops. Your CbB videos are a great asset to the community and, I’m sure, have helped a lot of new users. If there is something useful in Next to long time CbB users, it will take someone like you to “turn them on to it. 
Personally, I’m not a “tester”, I tend to just “plod” along with what I know. 
One thing for sure though, I’ll be at or near the front of line when Sonar and Next “drop”. Noel and Co. have worked hard for us and deserve our respect and support. 
Here’s to “big” things coming in the new year… ?


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Yes that’s about it. I guess I’m not cut out for testing as it is. I actually started by reading the manual and poking around and then mostly fell in love with the one feature it had that Cakewalk doesn’t, the Separation tool.
I still have Next on my testing computer just to use that feature. But  I found it is only using 44.1 / 16 so I don’t want to flip clock rates on my main computer.

I will probably even purchase Next if it is priced at what I think it’s worth and I will be willing to make tutorials about it then. I was hoping to get a head start but it’s just too frustrating trying to demonstrate on broken software. 

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On 12/17/2023 at 6:11 PM, John Vere said:

And obviously the same with Next. I just pulled the plug on the testing and even logged out of Discord.
It’s is so far from ready and it’s a mystery as to what is going on. They have put it in the hands of 1,000’s of people, mostly new comers. 
So it’s being tested buy people who wouldn’t know a bug if it bit them. 

I said it myself, a few days after the announcement was made that I didn't think Cwk, as it stands today, was even remotely ready to be commercially released. And the thing is, if it fails for a second time, commercially, I think it might be the end of the road. So, hopefully the mystery is about fixing the hundreds of bugs and reliability problems it has - plus maybe a few dozens intuitiveness and ergonomic problems.

Having newcomers that aren't as prone to finding excuses to it, no matter what, out of habit, sympathies or misunderstood gratitude, might be a good idea, in that regard. Cause one thing I've said from my early days with Cwk, about 4 years ago, was that the moment Cwk become a paid application, all that predisposition for lenience will vanish overnight - and it's not doing anybody any favors, as it exists today.

I do believe people on this forum would be good testers, subjectivity aside, but, for one, I've signalled dozens of problems during these 4 years, and none of them seems to have been addressed. Some suggestions did make it, though, and I appreciate that. I still have about 30-40 pretty big issues captured, right now, which I'm not putting out because it would take a lot of time, to very little hope. For instance I can't trust Cwk with my audio clips. I don't think there's worse you can say about a professional DAW. And it crashes a few to a few dozen times a night, for the most diverse reasons. It can't find, now, plugins it had loaded 5 minutes before. It handles RAM and registry entries badly, and there always seems to be some conflict with the video side in the VC redists - to my very limited understanding of media frameworks. That's just counting a few issues. And I do like Cwk, don't get me wrong, I want to work in it - love the interface, the PC, what it can do, the sound, etc. - but objectively speaking. It's got a lot going for it, if the problems were solved, I think it would be stellar. But the problems are great, and have persisted for years. So...

For a commercial release, i believe the most important factor, before any interesting functions, is that it be reliable, and work as intended - basics first - also consistent and intuitive - which it doesn't right now.

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14 hours ago, Olaf said:

I said it myself, a few days after the announcement was made that I didn't think Cwk, as it stands today, was even remotely ready to be commercially released. And the thing is, if it fails for a second time, commercially, I think it might be the end of the road. So, hopefully the mystery is about fixing the hundreds of bugs and reliability problems it has - plus maybe a few dozens intuitiveness and ergonomic problems.

Having newcomers that aren't as prone to finding excuses to it, no matter what, out of habit, sympathies or misunderstood gratitude, might be a good idea, in that regard. Cause one thing I've said from my early days with Cwk, about 4 years ago, was that the moment Cwk become a paid application, all that predisposition for lenience will vanish overnight - and it's not doing anybody any favors, as it exists today.

I do believe people on this forum would be good testers, subjectivity aside, but, for one, I've signalled dozens of problems during these 4 years, and none of them seems to have been addressed. Some suggestions did make it, though, and I appreciate that. I still have about 30-40 pretty big issues captured, right now, which I'm not putting out because it would take a lot of time, to very little hope. For instance I can't trust Cwk with my audio clips. I don't think there's worse you can say about a professional DAW. And it crashes a few to a few dozen times a night, for the most diverse reasons. It can't find, now, plugins it had loaded 5 minutes before. It handles RAM and registry entries badly, and there always seems to be some conflict with the video side in the VC redists - to my very limited understanding of media frameworks. That's just counting a few issues. And I do like Cwk, don't get me wrong, I want to work in it - love the interface, the PC, what it can do, the sound, etc. - but objectively speaking. It's got a lot going for it, if the problems were solved, I think it would be stellar. But the problems are great, and have persisted for years. So...

For a commercial release, i believe the most important factor, before any interesting functions, is that it be reliable, and work as intended - basics first - also consistent and intuitive - which it doesn't right now.

I'm still waiting for a beta testing mail ...

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On 12/24/2023 at 12:58 AM, Olaf said:

I said it myself, a few days after the announcement was made that I didn't think Cwk, as it stands today, was even remotely ready to be commercially released. And the thing is, if it fails for a second time, commercially, I think it might be the end of the road. So, hopefully the mystery is about fixing the hundreds of bugs and reliability problems it has - plus maybe a few dozens intuitiveness and ergonomic problems.

Having newcomers that aren't as prone to finding excuses to it, no matter what, out of habit, sympathies or misunderstood gratitude, might be a good idea, in that regard. Cause one thing I've said from my early days with Cwk, about 4 years ago, was that the moment Cwk become a paid application, all that predisposition for lenience will vanish overnight - and it's not doing anybody any favors, as it exists today.

I do believe people on this forum would be good testers, subjectivity aside, but, for one, I've signalled dozens of problems during these 4 years, and none of them seems to have been addressed. Some suggestions did make it, though, and I appreciate that. I still have about 30-40 pretty big issues captured, right now, which I'm not putting out because it would take a lot of time, to very little hope. For instance I can't trust Cwk with my audio clips. I don't think there's worse you can say about a professional DAW. And it crashes a few to a few dozen times a night, for the most diverse reasons. It can't find, now, plugins it had loaded 5 minutes before. It handles RAM and registry entries badly, and there always seems to be some conflict with the video side in the VC redists - to my very limited understanding of media frameworks. That's just counting a few issues. And I do like Cwk, don't get me wrong, I want to work in it - love the interface, the PC, what it can do, the sound, etc. - but objectively speaking. It's got a lot going for it, if the problems were solved, I think it would be stellar. But the problems are great, and have persisted for years. So...

For a commercial release, i believe the most important factor, before any interesting functions, is that it be reliable, and work as intended - basics first - also consistent and intuitive - which it doesn't right now.

Don’t forget one thing : what doesn’t work for you may work fo others - perhaps your issues are mostly system specific ?. I’ve had very few issues with CbB (and those i had were mostly user error), it is stable, very usable and thoroughly recommendable. 

But thats just my POV.

YMMV but not mine. I paid for Sonar before it became CbB and i’ll do it again, no problem when Sonar comes out.


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