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2023.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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I have a great curiosity to be clarified. I know this is not the type of post for this topic, but I am very curious to realize that several friends on the forum who are not part of the development team address various solutions, directions, corrections, predictions, explanations as if they had access to some kind of of privileged information.
Would this be possible?

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31 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:

I have a great curiosity to be clarified. I know this is not the type of post for this topic, but I am very curious to realize that several friends on the forum who are not part of the development team address various solutions, directions, corrections, predictions, explanations as if they had access to some kind of of privileged information.
Would this be possible?


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4 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

I have a great curiosity to be clarified. I know this is not the type of post for this topic, but I am very curious to realize that several friends on the forum who are not part of the development team address various solutions, directions, corrections, predictions, explanations as if they had access to some kind of of privileged information.
Would this be possible?

Yes we do! All you need to do is just read the forum. You will get all the inside priviledge you need. ?

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With all respect, the forum has turned into a gossip magazine that is full of speculation !

The fact remains that the two main questions in my mind are still unanswered after festering for over 2 months now.

Price is one! I do not upgrade every single time one comes out because the features don't really fulfill my needs or I simply can't afford to.

Mainly, the reason I don't is because I  had to go out on Social Security early because of my wifes disability and taking care of my father and mother and in-laws, of which 2 had Alzheimer's and one had terminal cancer!!!

I do not for one moment regret doing that. I ask for no sympathy from anyone. I ask no favors. All I am saying is affordable for one person is not for another! I have to make careful decisions about what we can afford and what we can't. Not everyone makes 50k a year!

The software choices I made were because they operate if I choose not to upgrade for a long period of time. I have gone as long as a couple years without upgrading one of my DAWs and it still purred along. Heck, Platinum still works as well as when I  used it last and I  haven't touched it since downloading CbB.

I know that you cannot continue to make a product completely free forever! I am willing to pay what I can for Sonar to continue. But, I  must be judicious about my expenses.

Price and termination window has been sadly kept from all of us for too long.

I mean no disrespect to anyone here. I am simply saying that treating those two issues as if they were nuclear secrets is really starting to make some of us very uncomfortable!

I have said before and repeated that I am so grateful to this company for saving Cake and will always be a vocal supporter of this company!

If someone in management could give us cold hard facts possibly on the website, maybe it would calm things.

We don't need thousands of people including myself on this forum throwing out speculation, rumors, guessing,  etc. For 2 months now!

We need management explaining prices and how much longer CbB will be running until they choose to shut it off!

I wish us all many more years of happiness using the DAW we all love so much! And I sincerely hope this long post has not been misconstrued as attacking this product or any individual here.

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2 hours ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

Price is one! I do not upgrade every single time one comes out because the features don't really fulfill my needs or I simply can't afford to.


I'm in the same boat.   I came down with the big C and looks like I shall make it but even with health insurance the cost for treatment is $$$.   I know I shall have a DAW in my future and heck for what I do I could even settle with Mixcraft Pro Audio 10  :)   I might go with Presonus Studio One or the new  Sonar.  But I will not have be spending on every upgrade going forward.  Money is tight and looks like it shall be going for the for see able future.



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I have never even come close to calling anyone a liar here. I simply feel that to announce so far ahead of release without complete transparency and giving us cut and dried details from management themselves has left room for what is happening now.

As far as I am concerned,  it is 2 months later and we have questions and speculations building tension that is unnecessary. 

Myself, I would prefer here is the estimated cost and we shall be shutting down CbB by __________.

I can't make it any plainer than that. 

I would like to remind you it was stated at first that CbB would not be going away, that it would continue to operate til Windows broke it. This was an acceptable scenario for me. Now we have on the forum it is stated that we will give you a reasonable amount of time to decide to move to Sonar but CbB will be discontinued with no idea of what a reasonable amount of time is!!!!

Management simply needs to clarify this mess so we don't waste our time having to post like this.

I don't do music for funsies! I have made a somewhat comfortable living in the business and am fortunate to have done so. All I say is, there are those of us who rely on whatever our tools are to make a life for ourselves. When someone makes a decision to alter a tool I use on a daily basis,  I question it. In this case, we still have no answers. This will be my last post about this as I am tired of explaining myself. I felt someone needed to say something as I  have seen so many posts expressing concerns just as I  have!

Now lay it to rest and get back to waiting!!!

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4 hours ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

Now lay it to rest and get back to waiting!!!

Or, if you want to start (or join) a gossip column here, just go to the "Coffee House" sub-forum.  This thread is specifically for feedback on the CbB 2023.09 release...  Or, it was, I thought!

Edited by JnTuneTech
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@Sidney Earl Goodroe I understand your concerns, at the moment we just can't give specifics because things aren't totally finalized. I can tell you that as Noel has said elsewhere, the planned pricing model for Sonar will be very reasonable. We have a set target for it that I think most people will be happy with. We simply cannot speak on full details on stuff that requires all the i's dotted and t's crossed. 

But as its been said, this particular thread is related to the 2023.09 update, so let's try and keep focus there. Thanks!


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I think the reason they answered earlier than might have been otherwise reasonable was because of all the comments about the long time between updates.

So, they told us the truth. New programs in the pipeline, on release they will continue to have CbB available free with one last release. That release will coexist with Sonar for a time to let you compare the 2 programs. At some point CbB will be no more and only a paid for version of Sonar will be available. As well as NEXT.

I too have been around since 12Tone days and 5 years of a fully supported DAW for free has been a remarkable gift from Bandlab.  Truly an unexpected surprise back in 2018,
Very soon it will be time to pay the piper if you want to use the software.

I have no insider knowledge, but I think I have very good comprehension of the written word and can repeat what the Bakers have written in these pages.

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On 10/3/2023 at 1:15 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

Pretty unlikely. Once the app is activated it doesn't retry until the lease expires which is quite long. Check whether you have some backup script or something that is restoring some state when you reboot. If so, that might explain why Cakewalk is not activated again after a boot.

Thanks for the response Noel, I don't have a backup script I'm aware of, or for that matter what could restore state on a reboot? If either existed wouldn't it have affected the previous version?  

The odd thing is when the toast popped up that says  it is "Not Activated"  I checked Help, and it shows that I'm signed into BandLab so I'm at a loss  as to what's going on. 

The  "Not Activated" toast doesn't occur on every reboot, but despite that, on a subsequent launch of CbB I'll see on occasion the the now activated notice even though I was fully able to save projects ?

Any thoughts?  Thanks... 

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36 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:


In a new project:

1) I made the recording.
2) I used the SMART tool.
3) I positioned where I want to make a cut.
4) I pressed ALT and the cutting scissors appeared, but even pressing the right button, which was what I had been doing until then to cut, this did not happen.




The right button has never invoked the split command (it shows the context menu), only the left button will invoke the command... unless you've swapped mouse buttons within your Windows settings?

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40 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

The right button has never invoked the split command (it shows the context menu), only the left button will invoke the command... unless you've swapped mouse buttons within your Windows settings?

Sorry, I was wrong about the side of the button.
The left mouse button.
I tried again and found that the cut was made, but in a completely different position from where the cursor/position was.

I commanded the cut at the cursor position.
See where the cut was made.


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44 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:

Sorry, I was wrong about the side of the button.
The left mouse button.
I tried again and found that the cut was made, but in a completely different position from where the cursor/position was.

I commanded the cut at the cursor position.
See where the cut was made.


Was the cursor at the position marked in the timeline? No? Try going to the point you want to cut in the timeline and then try cutting, that's how it works...

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28 minutes ago, gustabo said:

Was the cursor at the position marked in the timeline? No? Try going to the point you want to cut in the timeline and then try cutting, that's how it works...

Thanks for the help, but I identified that it is something in the project settings, as in some it works as expected and in a new one it doesn't.

I'll investigate.

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