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ProgPower in Atlanta!


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I'm catching Day 3 of this festival today, and I'm stoked. It is my 4th time at this event, and Glenn(the promoter) & team do an excellent job . If I remember right @Lord Tim played this festival years ago. Highly recommend this festival for those in to prog music. Also, I think Glenn said he is stopping in three years, after the 25th addition, so only 3 festivals left.


Edited by hockeyjx
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Yeah we were there in 2016 (video proof!) - absolutely brilliant festival, and the crew are all fantastic. Such a family vibe! (Although if you run into Milton, the day 2 promoter, tell him the LORD guys called him a jerk... ?).  I was talking to Johnny from the Doro band the other day and they had a great time apparently, so I'd expect this year to be pretty great - wish I could be there!

It's getting harder and harder each year to book stuff though. I remember the lengths their visa guy Marc went through to get us there and it's only gotten exponentially harder, so I can appreciate Glenn wanting to take a break from it all. I'd be surprised if Milton or Nathan don't pick up the baton and do something similar once it shuts up shop though.


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1 hour ago, Lord Tim said:

Yeah we were there in 2016 (video proof!) - absolutely brilliant festival, and the crew are all fantastic. Such a family vibe! (Although if you run into Milton, the day 2 promoter, tell him the LORD guys called him a jerk... ?).  I was talking to Johnny from the Doro band the other day and they had a great time apparently, so I'd expect this year to be pretty great - wish I could be there!

It's getting harder and harder each year to book stuff though. I remember the lengths their visa guy Marc went through to get us there and it's only gotten exponentially harder, so I can appreciate Glenn wanting to take a break from it all. I'd be surprised if Milton or Nathan don't pick up the baton and do something similar once it shuts up shop though.


Had time to watch through the first song (Freedom) and will DEFINITELY be watching more later today!  Big Iron Maiden vibe on that first song! (Hope that's a compliment Tim! ?)

I could never play like that; my guitars aren't pointy enough... ?

Are those scalloped frets?  I was laughing because your other guitarist just looks more like a nerd on guitar than a heavy metal guy. ?

Awesome song and playing!  I've got clients coming over (doing website design today) so I'll have to get them out ASAP!  

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HA! Yeah, big Maiden fan and that song in particular has a big Maiden influence so I'll take that as a compliment! :) We actually have done a couple of Maiden covers over the years, most recently Stratego and Judas be my Guide.  We kind of sit somewhere between Maiden, 80s hard rock, melodic death metal like Soilwork, old school thrash like Kreator and prog/power stuff like Queensryche and Helloween, so we're pretty much all over the shop... which has been fun when reviewers who are new to the band are baffled by an extreme metal song next to a piano ballad...! HAHA! Oh well.

My guitar is a custom shop ESP E-II LT-27, based on the Horizon FR-27 model. Scalloped from 12th fret up to 27th, so you can actually get some decent grip on the strings on a sweaty stage.  It's funny that you say Mark looks like a nerd there, these days he looks more like a built Viking with a big Thor vibes. I think his bicep is bigger than my entire guitar ? HAHA!


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  • 5 months later...

I've had Tim's video up ever since this thread started back in early September and have watched it a few times.

I've also thrown my guitar away.  I mean what's the point? ?

Awesome stuff @Lord Tim??

When (if??!?) I ever get paid, I'm thinking I'll have to add the discography to my music collection. ?

Edited by craigb
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