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VST catalog APP


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Had his app  before I built my new PC. Must have deleted it. It was a small app that cataloged your installed VSTS . Pretty sure it was a small cakewalk app created by a CW user. I think it only worked in CW, but I am not sure about that. Sine I have used CW since the erly 90's, who knows. But it worked fine on win 1`0x64 Pro last year when I had it.

Great little app. Anyone remember this? You run it just like any disk catalog app.

Or is there a NEW one.


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OK- I just found it on an old backup in a closet???? It's called VST Inventory and was made in the Sonar days. But, I guess it isn't working correctly anymore. It states it finds all VSTS in Cakewlk plug i manager. But I have over 500 vsts and it only lists less than 200. I have all the Izotope newest versions (V10's) and none of them show up. I will try and find out why.

The info it gives is great. 


EDIT: Bummer-Guess it only does Sonar and also if you have more than one version installed it only does the latest versions VSTS. 
Wish someone could get it to look at CWbyBL   ? 

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  On 8/29/2023 at 3:33 AM, OutrageProductions said:

It will only find VST2 versions (DLL's), not VST3.


About 1/2 hour ago I downloaded CbB Tools again from the link in the post I gave, installed it, and ran VST Inventory.  It found dlls and vst3s.  After the Inventory ran, did you scroll down to the plugins that have a Y [Yes} in the VST3 column?

Did you select VST3 for the filter and search for Y [VST3 = Y]?  It works here using Simple Match.  

CbB Tools v2.0.10.

PS: I have Win 10 Pro.


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  On 8/29/2023 at 4:10 AM, User 905133 said:

Did you select VST3 for the filter and search for Y [VST3 = Y]? 


My inventory tool was old, I only ran it once a couple years ago, and I  don't have more than 148 plugs, 60ish of which I never use anyway, so I couldn't care less.

Edited by OutrageProductions
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  On 8/29/2023 at 4:10 AM, User 905133 said:

About 1/2 hour ago I downloaded CbB Tools again from the link in the post I gave, installed it, and ran VST Inventory.  It found dlls and vst3s.  After the Inventory ran, did you scroll down to the plugins that have a Y [Yes} in the VST3 column?

Did you select VST3 for the filter and search for Y [VST3 = Y]?  It works here using Simple Match.  

CbB Tools v2.0.10.

PS: I have Win 10 Pro.


It should still report both VST2 and VST3.

VST3 support was in the first release of the Inventory Tool and CbB support was added when CbB was released.


In addition to filtering, clicking the VST3 column twice should bubble the VST3 plug-ins to the top of the list; the first click will sort by VST3 placing VST2 plug-ins at the top of the list, the second click reverses the order.


For best performance, whitelist the CbB Tools process in your AV scanner. 

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  On 8/29/2023 at 3:33 AM, OutrageProductions said:

It will only find VST2 versions (DLL's), not VST3.

  On 8/29/2023 at 5:08 AM, OutrageProductions said:

My inventory tool was old, I only ran it once a couple years ago, and I  don't have more than 148 plugs, 60ish of which I never use anyway, so I couldn't care less.


Thanks for clarifying that your post about the tool not finding VST3s was erroneous.

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BTW, as long as I had VST Inventory open yesterday, I sorted by Size (double clicked the header) and saw that the largest plugin reported was 200,396,800 bytes.  The next largest vst3 reported was "only" 139,299,552 bytes.  I use the former for some types of music, but I only use the latter to check out free plug-ins which I almost never use after that.

Sometimes I use VST Inventory to look for the number of audio I/Os plug-ins have.  My second largest VST3 seems to be able to use up to 64 outputs.  That kind of information is good to know for future possibilities.

Just for the fun of it, I filtered by Name = Drum and sorted by number of Outputs. That might be useful to me someday.

Also, I just did a search I've used in the past: Synth = Y, sorted by Inputs.  Sometimes I use Instruments for their FX capabilities. Ones that I expected to see are there.  There are some I haven't used as FX processors, but it doesn't surprise me. But there is one freebie (the dll version of the Kia instrument) that I almost never use that seems to have 64 Ins and 64 Outs. 

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