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ghost cursor

martsave martin s

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4 hours ago, David Baay said:

If you've disabled any settings on the Visual Effects tab in Windows 'Performance Options' or chosen 'Adjust for Best Performance', change it to 'Adjust for Best Appearance'. The Now Time cursor depends on some of these graphics features to render properly, and there is really no performance benefit to be gained in Cakewalk by disabling any of them in my experience.

Right on, David!  Have done this as well, and we'll see if it happens again...

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I guess I'll add this here because it's a weird display thing. ( I haven't had the "ghost" line yet, btw)

This has been happening for a while (since well before changing Windows visual preferences just today). Whenever I open my console window, notice how the Gain, Send, and Pan dials are all weird until I shrink and reopen the window....



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was trying to figure out why someone wasn't getting to see Virtual Controllers and I got something that looks like a Ghost Time Marker. Has this issue been solved?  If not, does someone need to reproduce it intentionally?  If so, maybe the steps I used will help.  I should add that today I used my Dell Display Manager to make visual zones and am not sure if that is the cause.


Cakewalk - Ghost Time Marker.png

Cakewalk - Ghost Time Marker - resized.png

Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
to add an image of the ghost time marker after resizing
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On 9/16/2019 at 5:11 PM, martsave martin s said:

yep that's what i get on CV

Does it stay in the same place inside of Cakewalk when you resize Cakewalk? Or, does it stay in the same place on your computer display?

Mine stays in the same place on the display.  See below (marked in a blue box).

[image showing ghost line removed - no longer needed]

UPDATE: As long as I had Cakewalk running, I had the Ghost Time Marker--even after resizing, moving, minimizing and re-opening Cakewalk.  After I shut Cakewalk down, I could not reproduce it myself (even trying to follow the same steps that caused it). 



Edited by User 905133
image removed; to add a note: I can't reproduce it.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a footnote about ghost cursors.  I just had one, but it's gone now, so there's no way to diagnose it further.

I am guessing there can be multiple triggers/causes. Here are somethings I observed:

1. I was exploring the potential to cut and paste from one project to another. I had multiple projects open.

2. When I switched to one project's main window (Track View), I got a ghost cursor.

3. When I switch back to the other project's main window, I could see that the ghost cursor had been in the position of the first project's main window.

It's gone now, but perhaps this leads to what I previously thought, possibly the ghost cursor comes a re-draw function.  I have no experience coding GUIs, using GUI APIs, but in case the ghost cursor continues to affect users, maybe this info will be useful.


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Hi all,

So the 'ghost cursor' thing is a known issue that shows up from time to time. We know what causes it, but it's not a trivial fix so please bear with us while we figure it out. Fortunately it's totally benign, and tends to clear itself up quickly.

@winkpain Your issue is unrelated but no less important. Thanks for the video, which is always useful when tracking bugs down. In your case it helped me to reproduce the problem right away, and we'll try to get it fixed for next release.


Edit: @winkpain I just fixed your specific issue, so look out for it in the next release. To clarify, we're still working on the ghost cursor issue, which isn't resolved yet.

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