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Humble Bundle Myst 30th Anniversary Bundle

Larry Shelby

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51 minutes ago, MrFigg said:

I've never used Steam. Do you need to have some sort of subscription to play the games in this bundle or are they downloadable to play on pc?

No subscription. Just install Steam and copy & paste the codes from Humble Bundle to install the games.

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Cool!!! Thanks. I haven’t played any games since the first Resident  Evil came out on PC (mid 90s?). Still got the CDs haha. Is Myst any good. Looks pretty mellow. I know it’s not a lot of cash but you can get 11 of the titles for €9 or 12 for €18. Would I be fine with just the 11 or do I want the 2021 remake as well?

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2 hours ago, MrFigg said:

Cool!!! Thanks. I haven’t played any games since the first Resident  Evil came out on PC (mid 90s?). Still got the CDs haha. Is Myst any good. Looks pretty mellow. I know it’s not a lot of cash but you can get 11 of the titles for €9 or 12 for €18. Would I be fine with just the 11 or do I want the 2021 remake as well?

How are you still expecting any other answer than "buy it all" on this forum?

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29 minutes ago, jngnz said:

How are you still expecting any other answer than "buy it all" on this forum?

I'd have expected better from you. (Safe in the knowledge that even though you tell me we don't need it that you already bought it on the fly.)

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It is a SMOKIN' deal. If all it had was realMYST Masterpiece and Obduction it would be way worth it. It has every game that Cyan ever released, not including Firmament, which just recently shipped. They're are no doubt doing this to pique interest in Firmament.

If you decide you can live without the 2021 MYST remaster, it's only $10, which makes it acephalic. I haven't played the 2021 version, but I can say that realMYST: Masterpiece, which is MYST ported to the Unreal engine for 3-D, looks and plays great.

Warning: this bundle may induce Game Acquisition Syndrome.

I hadn't played a computer game in 20 years, then bought the 11 item $10 bundle when it came up for sale in December 2021. Started off with realMYST: Masterpiece Edition (which is the version I'd recommend, it looks great and has an extra Age), then went to MYST III: Exile, which I was in the middle of playing 20 years previously. Then ripped through the rest of the MYST series and went on to Obduction, which is what pushed me into Gamer territory. Obduction really is spectacular.

In the year and a half since I got the bundle, I have added at least 50 games to my Steam library (see my post on the Steam Summer Sale from a couple of weeks ago). If you like Cyan/MYST type games, I have several to recommend.

There's even a guy right now who's preparing a MYST-alike game (Neyyah) and doing the sound and music with his Steam'd copy of SONAR.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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57 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

It is a SMOKIN' deal. If all it had was realMYST Masterpiece and Obduction it would be way worth it. It has every game that Cyan ever released, not including Firmament, which just recently shipped. They're are no doubt doing this to pique interest in Firmament.

If you decide you can live without the 2021 MYST remaster, it's only $10, which makes it acephalic. I haven't played the 2021 version, but I can say that realMYST: Masterpiece, which is MYST ported to the Unreal engine for 3-D, looks and plays great.

Warning: this bundle may induce Game Acquisition Syndrome.

I hadn't played a computer game in 20 years, then bought the 11 item $10 bundle when it came up for sale in December 2021. Started off with realMYST: Masterpiece Edition (which is the version I'd recommend, it looks great and has an extra Age), then went to MYST III: Exile, which I was in the middle of playing 20 years previously. Then ripped through the rest of the MYST series and went on to Obduction, which is what pushed me into Gamer territory. Obduction really is spectacular.

In the year and a half since I got the bundle, I have added at least 50 games to my Steam library (see my post on the Steam Summer Sale from a couple of weeks ago). If you like Cyan/MYST type games, I have several to recommend.

There's even a guy right now who's preparing a MYST-alike game (Neyyah) and doing the sound and music with his Steam'd copy of SONAR.

Awesome!!! Wonder How different the 2021 one is. Only $10 i know…but the 11 just feels Loire of a GAS bargain…then again getting  them all calms the completist in me.  I’d you could do it all again would you go for 11 or 12?

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13 hours ago, John1984 said:

That was an easy decision! The only thing I think would have made the bundle better would have been including Pyst.

The Myst series were my favorite types of games, so when I got Pyst I couldn't stop laughing! ?

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14 hours ago, MrFigg said:

I’d you could do it all again would you go for 11 or 12?

Since I haven't played the 2021 remaster, I'd have to read some reviews. It would have to be really good to top realMYST: Masterpiece, but I'm sure it's capable of being really good. It's like having Revolver in mono, stereo, CD, and remastered CD. They're all great.

12 hours ago, craigb said:

Oh, and I just got the bundle!  ?

(Now I just need to make enough to buy a video card... ?)

Congratulations, and there's no need to wait: Obduction is the only game in the package that would exercise a GPU in the slightest. I played Obduction on an i7-3770 with GTX 550Ti and it ran great (not at ultra settings, but it still looked fantastic).

Think of what a "powerful" system was when these games came out. Even Obduction is made to run on a merely above average computer of 2016.

For those too young to remember, or just not into games at the time, MYST was the first point-and-click exploration/puzzle game. It made a lot of other firsts at the time as well, like being the first computer game that collected a substantial fanbase that included women and people over 30. It was the first video game for people who had never been interested in video games.

It was also notable for being the first video game to have a soundtrack that was worthy of a separate release, and the soundtrack by itself sold multiple platinum.

Not everyone loved it, some of the video game press of the time and some of the established gaming community thought it was a snooze. But for a lot of other people it introduced the idea that video games could be a form of art.

Before MYST, the idea of a game requiring a professional composer to create its soundtrack was unheard of. It's responsible for creating a lot of work for musicians and composers, really for the whole job title of "video game music composer."

Edited by Starship Krupa
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2 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Congratulations, and there's no need to wait: Obduction is the only game in the package that would exercise a GPU in the slightest. I played Obduction on an i7-3770 with GTX 550Ti and it ran great (not at ultra settings, but it still looked fantastic).

Think of what a "powerful" system was when these games came out. Even Obduction is made to run on a merely above average computer of 2016.

I've owned all of the Myst games (there's a few that come in the bundle that I've never heard of), but I was in the middle of Obduction when my old computer died (because it was the power supply slowly dying, it damaged almost everything on it's way to the grave: hard drive, motherboard and... the nice video card I had! ?).

My current computer (masterfully built by Jim Roseberry here! ??) is a screaming i9 with 64 GB of RAM (needed for some data processing I was doing), but didn't come with anything but onboard video which, while fine for most 4k work, didn't cut it with Obduction!  So, I guess I was thinking some of these other games had been updated and would require more GPU beef.  Maybe not? ?

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5 hours ago, craigb said:

My current computer (masterfully built by Jim Roseberry here! ??) is a screaming i9 with 64 GB of RAM (needed for some data processing I was doing), but didn't come with anything but onboard video which, while fine for most 4k work, didn't cut it with Obduction!  So, I guess I was thinking some of these other games had been updated and would require more GPU beef.  Maybe not? ?

Anything with MYST in the name (except for the 2021 remaster, which, like Obduction, uses the Unreal engine) should fly with your onboard graphics, but of course the only way to find out is to try.

Also, for anyone getting this who wants to play MYST: Chronicles of Uru, I suggest not even bothering with the version that comes with the bundle. Rather, go to mystonline.com and play it there, where it is the same game for free and has much better graphics (and will run like a bat no matter how antique your system). And don't worry about the collaborative aspect; like BandLab, it's optional (although I do find MYST Online to be a great deal of fun with help from the others who are online).

My handle on there is Superabbit and my Hood is Musicians Guild (which I founded).

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21 hours ago, craigb said:

I just need to make enough to buy a video card

What do you have your eye on? I just upgraded from my trusty GT 1030 (which may now be had for under $50) to a GTX1070 for $100.

The price bubble seems to have finally burst, and people are dumping their older cards. I got the 1070 to be able to run Red Dead Redemption 2 at higher settings, which it does fine, I'm getting 60 FPS with VSync turned on, and that's with no special uberklokking (although I do overclock my i7-6950X CPU).

Anything in the 10 series is going to be very affordable, even into the 16's. I know people go on about "future proof," but if your onboard graphics are handling everything but gaming, yer already there. Since my interests are in indie games rather than AAA sports/FPS, the 1070 with its 8G of RAM will do me for years. If I hadn't gotten a nice inheritance last month, I'd still be fine with the GT 1030.

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3 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

What do you have your eye on? I just upgraded from my trusty GT 1030 (which may now be had for under $50) to a GTX1070 for $100.

The price bubble seems to have finally burst, and people are dumping their older cards. I got the 1070 to be able to run Red Dead Redemption 2 at higher settings, which it does fine, I'm getting 60 FPS with VSync turned on, and that's with no special uberklokking (although I do overclock my i7-6950X CPU).

Anything in the 10 series is going to be very affordable, even into the 16's. I know people go on about "future proof," but if your onboard graphics are handling everything but gaming, yer already there. Since my interests are in indie games rather than AAA sports/FPS, the 1070 with its 8G of RAM will do me for years. If I hadn't gotten a nice inheritance last month, I'd still be fine with the GT 1030.

No time for PC games currently, and I'm still just getting by with my "help others" work (programming with one guy and making websites/logos/signs for friends starting new businesses).  That said, I'm working to have enough of a buffer (both financially and timewise) to enjoy some games during the colder months ahead.  Once it becomes more important I'll go do my usual research and probably end up with something that will last a long time!

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3 hours ago, craigb said:

No time for PC games currently

I admire your self-restraint.

Sounds like you have a pretty cool business set up. I've always done my own websites, but if I decide to start another business I'll PM you. I went freelance over 20 years ago and have done a variety of things since then.

At the end of my 9-to-6 office employment, I took a look at what elements of my job I liked. That was building things, solving problems and helping people. I didn't like sitting there waiting for something to break. So freelance was the way to go.

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