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Focusrite update BSOD a gogo - Update

Jeremy Oakes

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I got an e-mail from Focusrite this am and updated my 18i20 second gen as per instructions. 


3 BSOD so far, “Bad Pool Caller” x 1 and “Kernal Heap “ something x 2   Nothing in my config changed since the up grade. I currently have a ticket in with them,

It happens when i open a CbB project then start the song. 

I am up to date with everything (video, drivers etc), WhoCrashed indicates its focusriteusbaudio.sys that is the culprit. 

Anybody else have such an issue ? I’ll be rolling back to the previous software/drivers asap.


Edited by Jeremy Oakes
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Based on your comment, I will re check my 6i6 tonight when I get home.  I`ll check and see if there is an update for my 2nd gen 6i6.

My Win 10 AMD PC has my Focusrite 6i6 attached.

Unfortunately, my i9900K PC and Motu firewire MK III doesn`t play well with the latest Win 10 updates.

Good news is, CbB sees the Motu card, so all my music work is still on going.  But windows doesn`t see the Motu since the last Win 10 update.

I have to use the on board sound chip inside my Yahama MX88 for windows audio to get thru to my monitors. 

The last set of Win 10 updates are making things difficult for me over the last few weeks. UGH! ?

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  On 8/22/2019 at 9:38 PM, Chuck E Baby said:

That stinks man, sorry to hear this.

Im not sure I can add anything to help here except maybe trying deleting AUD.INI and let Cakewalk Rebuild a new one.

I don't know im reaching here. Maybe a corrupt AUD.INI.


Hi Chuck, thanks for the input.

i rolled back to the previous drivers and .... without deleting the aud.ini file, no crashes using the same projects.

Hopefully Focusrite will get back to me soonish.


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i got the Focusrite "updated drivers" email as well.  I have a first-gen 2i4. 

The last time I tried their updated driver, it caused all kinds of issues. I rolled back at that time and am still using the original driver with no problems. Pretty disappointing that it seems to be an issue AGAIN.  

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I don’t know, i was on v2. something so for me it was a new package and when installed it showed the new fly out tab they talked about in their mail was available

Whatever, i advise not installing it as it BSOD’d each time i opened a project in CbB.

WhoCrashed reported it was the focusrite usb driver each time.

so i rolled back and am still waiting to hear from them.


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I knew there was a good reason NOT to go with the update.  I started a thread earlier this week on this because I got the email on Monday (or Tuesday?).  Anyway, my logic was since I was not having an issue with my 6i6, there wasn't a need to "borrow trouble".  IOW-"If it ain't broke, don't fix it".  Most of the posters agreed with me and I didn't update.


However, I did look back on my download history that day and found that I did do some kind of update on the Focusrite drivers in early May of 2018 (I don't remember the details).  I also took note that on the same day there was a Team Viewer download in my download history indicating a call to Sweetwater's tech support who I probably called to fix a problem. 

Reminder to you guys who are having an issue-If you bought your Focusrite interface from Sweetwater you should contact them to help you solve your problem.  They can get into your system with the team viewer and do a remote fix and they'll do it for free anytime so long as you purchased your interface from them.  Probably get you up and running sooner because I've heard horror stories about Focusrite's taking their good ol' time with support issues.

?John B

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I updated this this driver and had the same type of thing happen:

1 BSOD caused by selecting the driver window (for adjusting the buffer)  - when I went to close the window the BSOD happened

1 BSOD caused by unplugging the USB cable from the device (focusrite 2i4)

After the second "Blue Screen" I reinstalled the driver (make sure the USB is unplugged during update) AND waited for everything to settle. Plugged in the USB back in and gave it a couple of minutes (I thing I got a message the the drive was installed)  and things have been working good ever since...

Don't know if that fixed things but it seems stable now.  You could try that.  I don't know if the older drivers are available (I think they should) you could always revert back.   I always keep copies of the older drivers for just such an occurrence.

I'm running a laptop with Win 7 OS


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  On 8/24/2019 at 10:31 PM, Ben Staton said:

We ran into this recently too, and logged it with Focusrite. I believe they're looking into it.

I suggest maybe rolling back to the previous driver version and/or sticking with ASIO mode.

It also wouldn't do any harm to log it with Focusrite directly.


Ahhhhh, so I wasn’t dreaming .

already logged and awaiting a reply


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  • 2 weeks later...

New USB driver available for most Scarlett interfaces - version

Changes since last release

- Fixed an issue that could cause the device and a DAW to run at different sample rates if a user tried to force a sample rate change from Focusrite Control/Scarlett Mix Control/Focusrite Notifier while a DAW session was running.

This for the 1st gen 8i6, but seems same update for most interfaces.

Also Focusrite Control Windows version 3.4.0 available (relevant for 2nd and 3rd gen 18i20 and maybe others, but not my 1st gen 8i6)

Cheers, Peter.


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  • 4 weeks later...


After experiencing lots of Blue Screens and loss of audio (in other apps) after launching Cakewalk, i contacted Focusrite support.

They send me a driver which has not yet been officially released. It seems to have resolved the problems i had: version 4.36.5-612


I'm sharing it for those who might want to give it a shot. 

PS: I have tested the new driver on a 64 bit win 10 pro in combination with a Scarlett 6i6 2nd gen audio interface.

Needles to say, use this driver at you own risk. I will not be responsible for any problems caused by installing the driver. (but hey, how much worse can it get ? )

Edited by sabo fx
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  On 8/22/2019 at 9:21 PM, don belisle said:

Good news is, CbB sees the Motu card, so all my music work is still on going.  But windows doesn`t see the Motu since the last Win 10 update.




I seem to remember something involving Windows 10 and Firewire about needing to use a legacy firewire driver or something along those lines. Anyone know the details, or was I imagining something?

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  On 10/1/2019 at 5:29 PM, Craig Anderton said:


I seem to remember something involving Windows 10 and Firewire about needing to use a legacy firewire driver or something along those lines. Anyone know the details, or was I imagining something?


I believe that is true, but not 100% certain. I refused to let FW go when I moved to this Win10 machine, so bought an adapter card. The TI 1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller driver I am using is is version 10.0.18362.1, dated 6/21/2006.

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