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Anyone know where to find singers that will sing your song as a collabboration?


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9 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

   If she can do ! You can do it !


Exactly my point!!

And they actually sell that stuff!!

SOMEBODY is buying it!!


All joking aside (though ya gotta love it!!), practice to give yourself that best chance at a good performance. No one will sing that song the way that you do. No one else knows what you feel inside.

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12 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:



                                                                                         If she can do ! You can do it !

Please nobody tell her to hold the mic closer to her mouth.

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On 7/14/2023 at 7:02 AM, El Diablo said:

Emvoice is crazy.

The only thing I don't like is "Internet connection required for use".  Requiring a internet connection is going to be a huge deciding factor for me.  It would mean I would have to build a machine that would be able to stay on the internet for that process?  I could build a Linux box and use Reaper to link to Reaper, then that way I could use process like that way.  I don't wish them to have 24/7 access to my music station.

Even thought I have Sonar Producer and really enjoy Cakewalk, Reaper has been my go to for projects requiring remote systems.  I don't think Cakewalk can link to other Cakewalk systems and share processing power.


There other problem with this plugin requiring online access is if the company goes belly up.  Now your stuck with a useless plugin!

Edit 2:

If this is the best thing for now, it maybe worth the risk verse the company just going belly up.

Edit 3:

So, basically in thier terms of service, you really can't write any songs... LoL!  Just for the one word "tortious" mentioned in the terms of service!

From their terms of service:

"Neither Emvoice nor Users shall share any Emvoice generated Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, prejudicial, profane, invasive of another’s privacy, or hateful. Pattern violations will result in termination of service."

So, I guess your creation use limited to children friendly content using this product, else they'll terminate your software (which they can) because of the terms of service and they'll keep track of what you use it to sing.

No "making explicit and offensive reference to ***** or bodily functions; coarse and rude." = Vulgar

Don't make songs that "wrongly accuses someone of something" = libelous

You can't write religious songs "relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical; secular rather than religious." = Profane 

Any songs that you can be sued for in civil court (which in America can be anything) "tortious behavior is any behavior (other than breach of contract) that may be sued upon as a civil wrong." = tortious

Don't make any songs that can harm someone?  Anyone can get harmed by any song even if you don't speak any names. "harmful to someone or something; detrimental." = prejudicial

Edit 4:

Here's a breakdown of the meaning of each word or phrase:

1. Unlawful: Refers to content that violates the law or legal regulations.

2. Harmful: Content that causes harm, damage, or injury to others.

3. Threatening: Content that conveys a serious intention to harm, intimidate, or cause fear.

4. Abusive: Content that involves the use of offensive language, insults, or mistreatment towards others.

5. Tortious: Refers to conduct that gives rise to a civil wrong or a violation of someone's legal rights.

6. Defamatory: Content that contains false statements about someone that harm their reputation.

7. Libelous: Similar to defamation, it refers specifically to written or published false statements that harm someone's reputation.

8. Vulgar: Content that is crude, indecent, or offensive in language or behavior.

9. Prejudicial: Content that unfairly or negatively affects someone's rights, reputation, or opportunities.

10. Profane: Content that is disrespectful or blasphemous, often involving offensive language or actions.

11. Invasive of another's privacy: Content that intrudes upon or violates someone's right to privacy.

12. Hateful: Content that expresses intense hostility, animosity, or discrimination towards a person or group based on characteristics such as race, religion, gender, etc.

These terms outline the types of content that are prohibited by Emvoice, and violation of these terms can result in the termination of service.

So, in the end, they have total control over what you can write a song about using thier service.

Don't bother with Emvoice.  I have it and used it for 2 projects.  Nobody listened to them.  Still too robotic.

?John B

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2 minutes ago, Johnbee58 said:

Don't bother with Emvoice.  I have it and used it for 2 projects.  Nobody listened to them.  Still too robotic.

?John B





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The performing before farming it out is a good point. Then you encapsulate the intent rather than handing a lyric sheet to someone. "One Night in Bangkok" had the music completed first, so they sent a partial with those lyrics to the lyricist to give them something to show the intended melody, but the lyricist liked it so much they kept them and ran with it.

The human voice is the most complex instrument there is so focus on that instrument (be it yours or another's), rather than a program. Some programs are so complex they take forever to get the nuances in them that a human "just does." One cannot learn to walk (or run) for themself relying on crutches.

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2 minutes ago, mettelus said:

The performing before farming it out is a good point. Then you encapsulate the intent rather than handing a lyric sheet to someone. "One Night in Bangkok" had the music completed first, so they sent a partial with those lyrics to the lyricist to give them something to show the intended melody, but the lyricist liked it so much they kept them and ran with it.

The human voice is the most complex instrument there is so focus on that instrument (be it yours or another's), rather than a program. Some programs are so complex they take forever to get the nuances in them that a human "just does." One cannot learn to walk (or run) for themself relying on crutches.

This is how Phil Collins ended up singing for Genesis.  He made the intent versions for others to audition against, but the band kept liking his versions better!

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On 7/15/2023 at 2:45 PM, Johnbee58 said:

I listen to Yoko Ono when I need to induce vomiting and I'm fresh out of ipecac.


I listen to Yoko when I need inspiration.

John Lennon loved Yoko, and that's good enough for me.  Irascible as that seems.

He loved Paul too, and Ringo, and George.

Your music reminds me of John



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2 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:


I listen to Yoko when I need inspiration.

John Lennon loved Yoko, and that's good enough for me.  Irascible as that seems.

He loved Paul too, and Ringo, and George.

Your music reminds me of John



But, fortunately, John didn't make any album covers of him, Paul, Ringo and George in the nude...

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15 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:


I listen to Yoko when I need inspiration.

John Lennon loved Yoko, and that's good enough for me.  Irascible as that seems.

He loved Paul too, and Ringo, and George.

Your music reminds me of John



At least it doesn't remind you of Yoko. ?

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I used vocalizr.com

The two times I paid "singers" to sing a song what I got back was on pitch but the timing and phrasing was changed. Like they are stupid or somthing. I was like, "I'm gonna kick your @$$"

Now I use SynthesizerV. It's a lot more work but at least I have total control.

Edited by bitman
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