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Concierto de Aranjuez ( Joaquin Rodrigo), Recuerdos de la Alhambra ( Francisco Tarrega) - Pepe Romero

I saw the Romero family play guitar in concert, and although they are all extremely talented, I thought Pepe had that something extra that can't be described.


Edited by Notes_Norton
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From the very interesting movie about "gypsy" music from Spain to India:

Taraf de Haidouks is the name of the group, a Romani taraf from Clejani, Romania

They have two songs on the DVD and audio CD

I couldn't get either one to embed, but they are worth your time.

In the first one the violinist pulls a string over the violin strings to get some very haunting and unusual sounds. The second one is just a joy.





Edited by Notes_Norton
trying to get these to emebed
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