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The Royal Scam - Steely Dan (full album)

I'm listening predominantly for Bernard Purdy's drumming. It's understated yet powerful, always supports and enhances the song, has a great groove, and never buries any other instrument or the vocals.

My first instrument was drums, I'm writing new style disks for Band-in-a-Box, and I'm always impressed by Purdy's classy drumming. I'm hoping some sinks in. This album can be a lesson in how to play drums. Listen to it, pay attention to the drums, and you'll see what I mean.

My favorite rock drummers (in no particular order), Hal Blaine, Bernard 'Pretty' Purdy, Ginger Baker, and John Bonham. All for different reasons.


Edited by Notes_Norton
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1 hour ago, pwalpwal said:


Knowing the real Whitley Wood (a suburb of Reading), it's not the sort of place you would want to go walking through - packs of feral children wonder the streets torching unguarded cars like a foretelling of post-Brexit* Britain.

It's the real ***** end of Reading, and that's coming from somebody who lives in an area called Cemetery Junction (a name that Gervais nicked for the title of a film).



* The Oxford English dictionary now lists this as a synonym for apocalyptic.

Edited by Wibbles
Wow. I can't say @rse any more.
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1 minute ago, pwalpwal said:

i had to google him, so i think you're safe... and dislike of gervais/lee noted  ;)

Gervais - I'm very mixed about. Sometimes I find him really funny, but a lot of the time just a bit irritating. 

Stewart Lee - I do like ... when I'm in the mood for his style.

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1 hour ago, Wibbles said:

I've just been listening to this at serious volume through my hi-fi ...


... I hope that the rest of the street enjoyed it as much as I did. :)

Well, I enjoyed it!

It's too bad Eno doesn't do any collaborations, isn't it? ?

(*Adds this album to the bottom of today's playlist...* ?)

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