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After upgrading one of my DAW's it started flirting with me while it was doing a VST scan !

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                                         Here are some of the pick up lines it tried to use on me .



                                                                                         Are you asking me out ?  ?


                                           You sure know how to make an old  fella feel good .

            If you think that's impressive check out Bapu ! He's the reining plugin Champ around here!




                    Hey ! what do you mean by that comment ? I thought we were doing so good .


                                                                   Help you organize your garage ?

      After all the chit chat you put me through you owe me dinner and a movie . Then we can talk about it  ?




PS : Yeah I know ! It is time for me to face the music ! I'm  more screwed up than I originally thought I was :P


Edited by kennywtelejazz
  • Haha 4
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4 hours ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

Then someone should ask in support: "How do I turn the condescending splash screen messages off?"

Yeah ! a couple of those do seem a little on the judgmental side . Now you have me wondering ...can they be turned off ?


3 hours ago, craigb said:

Hehe...  Kenny thinks "Customer Support" is dinner and a movie!


 Well  it seemed like a good offer to me at the time since I was hoping to get a doggie bag ? for Milo ....


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On 6/9/2023 at 4:48 PM, Starship Krupa said:

I want it to ask me if I like movies about gladiators.

 The A.I. Beta version of Mixcraft just got back to me concerning your suggestion . Here's a few lines it came up with .

"What do you think if we make like Leonidas from the movie 300 and kick all the other DAW's down a bottomless hole while shouting  This Is MIxcraft "

"When you said you had a lot of the skulls from your slain opponents on your mantelpiece  you weren't kidding "

"Stop stalling and quit asking the audience in the arena   Are you not entertained ?  You know they were entertained ?You are just using that ploy to help you get out of helping me organize the garage  "


On 6/9/2023 at 4:49 PM, craigb said:

Let's just say, after dealing with a few BSC ladies this last week (where the acronym "BCS" starts with the word "Bat"), I believe hanging out with Milo is probably a much saner option! ?

           My Bat $hIt Crazy sister asked me if you ever heard of the term "Crazy in the head" "Crazy in bed !"


                                   She say's it's OK  if you bring the dog ! He is welcome to !



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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On 6/11/2023 at 1:08 AM, craigb said:

 "Hey!  Why are all these pages blank??!"  ?

Caution super high BS content alert ahead .  ?

Women are actually a secret society held together by a shared common bond . It has been discovered by the top scientific geneticists in their field that smart women have always written down the innermost  workings of their deepest thoughts and  women tricks on how to capture and snag a man with out him ever suspecting  or knowing it in invisible ink .


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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