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Need Help Getting Fxc Files to Work on New Computer

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On my 'old' computer, which runs Win 10 Home, but has RAM limitations, I have some old .Fxc files (FX Presets) that I use for supplemental FX for guitar audio. They still work on that old computer. See one of the FX in the screenshot. I think these FX files have been around for at least 10 years and date back to at least SONAR. Regardless, I rely on them quite a bit, so I want to use these FX on my new computer, which also has Win 10 Home and the latest version of Cakewalk.

However, even though I have the VST Settings on the new computer pointing to where the .Fxc files are located, and even though Cakewalk lets me add them to a track via Insert FX Chain Preset, not only can the FX not be heard, but the guitar cannot. and the fader shows no dB activity. Meanwhile, when I select bypass the FX on the track, I can still hear the original audio AND see dB activity.


  • I have tried to add the FX to a new track and even a project file I created today to test this. No luck.
  • I don't see what program 'owns' the FX files. I presume they are Cakewalk FX, but maybe they are Guitar Rig 4 files, since once upon a time that came with older versions of Cakewalk.
  • I even used Cakewalk Command Center to install Cakewalk Platinum on my new computer, but the .Fxc FX still don't work.

So, I am trying to understand if I need to reinstall the FX.

  • If so, where? How?
  • Is there some crucial folder I didn't copy over from my old compute that has needed data or files?

Any suggestions?

Can't Be Bigger.PNG

Edited by Todd Groemling
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@Lord Tim    I appreciate your input. I didn't realize I could extract the plugins, since I never had a reason to do so. But I was able to extract them and it appears that TH2 Producer and z3TA+ are part of the FX chain. So I tried pointing Cakewalk via the VST Settings to folders with those in them, but still no luck. I was thinking that means  I need Cakewalk Support to resolve this. However, when I started actually paying more attention to this, it does seem like TH2 Producer is the weak link. Fortunately, the extracted TH2 Producer does list what preset is used, so I was able to insert TH3 and, when added to the Z3TA+ FX, I'm now hearing FX. So I'm much closer to the original FX Chain. That's a long-winded way of saying, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Edited by Todd Groemling
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