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Gone Are The Days - video

Keith Wilby

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I hope it's OK to post this at all, let alone as a new topic, but I've done a bit of a video for my most recent song. Admins please remove it if it violates any rules or etiquette.

I know a lot of people commented about the reverb and I did tinker with it but I thought it fitted the mood of the song to leave it as-is. I did action some other comments though, for example the cello suggestion from @jack c.

The video is almost entirely made up of still photos of my family and friends since the year dot, so interest from other people such as your good selves might be limited, on the other hand it might be worth a look as I think it matches the song well. 

It opens and closes with a shot of my parents' wedding day circa 1942 and brings it pretty much up to date with my second wedding in 2016. Far too many of the people featured have now passed away, some way too young (two of my three brothers, my first girlfriend and my ex-wife).

It seems to play with better picture quality on Facebook than YouTube, but here are links to both:



The "town" shots are my hometown of Blackburn in NW England.

Edited by Keith Wilby
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On 5/21/2023 at 12:34 AM, Keith Wilby said:

hope it's OK to post this at all

Yes, absolutely!

On 5/21/2023 at 12:34 AM, Keith Wilby said:

so interest from other people such as your good selves might be limited

I think the pics made the story line much more relevant! Especially loved the shots of Harry's shop.
(kind of surprised this has "fallen thru the cracks", but often folks skip titles they have already commented on...)

And just a note; listened in the van, and that hypes the low mids and bass. Sounded pretty good in the van (read that as "passed" the van test,
if a tune is "muddy" in the low end the van really brings it out).

?'s ?


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I love the message in this song.  It is awesome what time does to us, both physically and mentally.  This will be the 50th anniversary of my high school graduation and looking back, I can't believe that almost an entire lifetime has gone by. 

The music is superb and your video work brings back memories of my own youth.

?John B

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13 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Especially loved the shots of Harry's shop.

Yes, Harry was my dad. I used to work in his shop at weekends as a teenager. Consequently, I hate decorating ... but my son has been a pro decorator for years now. Work that one out ?

The photo of the demolition site is also what's left of his shop in 2013 (it was built in 1966 - Blackburn really got their money's worth there).

Good to know it sounds OK on different platforms ?

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10 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

I love the message in this song.  It is awesome what time does to us, both physically and mentally.  This will be the 50th anniversary of my high school graduation and looking back, I can't believe that almost an entire lifetime has gone by. 

The music is superb and your video work brings back memories of my own youth.

?John B

Thank you John. Yes, "time waits for no man" for sure (the baby in the tin bath is me and I'm 63 now ?).

I'm glad it brought back some memories of your own, good ones hopefully, but nostalgia can be a bitter-sweet thing can't it?

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Very nice job getting all those photos out of the album and into a video.  I like the references to the technology back then. Weird how VCRs and DVD players were so high tech and now they're becoming ancient history in our life time.
One crit: maybe too much zooming in the video?

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YouTube is terrible for trashing videos and the audio you got to use twice the video res. 

Facebook  is a bit better but both can trash audio, ive notice they prefer 192 kbps audio  rate, if you us 320 its converts it to its death 

Nice emotional track, 

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