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So .. is AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) coming for us Musicians?

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57 minutes ago, smallstonefan said:

MidJourney's ability to generate art is mind-blowing once you wrap your head around creating prompts.

As a graphical artist myself, I find the amount of work required to create good art with those tools to be more work than doing the same art myself. You can get some good results as long as you don't try to beyond the boundaries of the model and... Drawings do that all the time. Then you find yourself using two or three different tools to get a mediocre result for one aspect of the image (AI really struggles with faces, hand and feet for example), or making a collage of several generations of options of the image. And in the end, the result may be visually appealing but you can tell it was done by AI.

A good example of that is the infamous Corridor Crew anime video. They took 6 months to produce a short animation that a team of professional animators using modern animation tools would pull off in a fraction of the time. And their result certainly had a look to it, but the look of bad rotoscoping.

Edited by Bruno de Souza Lino
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1 hour ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

As a graphical artist myself, I find the amount of work required to create good art with those tools to be more work than doing the same art myself. You can get some good results as long as you don't try to beyond the boundaries of the model and... Drawings do that all the time. Then you find yourself using two or three different tools to get a mediocre result for one aspect of the image (AI really struggles with faces, hand and feet for example), or making a collage of several generations of options of the image. And in the end, the result may be visually appealing but you can tell it was done by AI.

A good example of that is the infamous Corridor Crew anime video. They took 6 months to produce a short animation that a team of professional animators using modern animation tools would pull off in a fraction of the time. And their result certainly had a look to it, but the look of bad rotoscoping.


You need to understand the exponential growth factor of AI. When you see that, you'll realize that problems that you describe will be solved in a much shorter timeframe that you might imagine. 



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Morpheus: “You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”


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43 minutes ago, smallstonefan said:


You need to understand the exponential growth factor of AI. When you see that, you'll realize that problems that you describe will be solved in a much shorter timeframe that you might imagine. 



You have to understand that, as a tool, AI is still a far cry from solving any problems I have. Doesn't matter how fast it grows if it doesn't do squat for me. A tool is only as good as how useful it is for you.

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5 hours ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

You have to understand that, as a tool, AI is still a far cry from solving any problems I have. Doesn't matter how fast it grows if it doesn't do squat for me. A tool is only as good as how useful it is for you.

I thought we were having a bigger discussion about AI changing the world. 

keep on keeping on. 

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1 hour ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

AI might change the world. But none of us will be alive to see it happen.

I disagree .. Give this a year or less to see huge changes in the world of work and job losses. Watched and read fair bit about this in recent times and thats a conclusion from many. This is happening VERY fast. 

So lets see ... I added this here now on Tuesday the 16th of May 2023 and lets see, in a years time how well this has borne out .. or not. If I have to eat my words then, I will gladly do so.

The EU at least are already grappling with AI laws, trying to draft comprehensively. However this is not happening much elsewhere in the world when it actually needs to. The rules of engagement with AI and legals around it need to be world wide for it to be anyway effective. AI + bad actors, state or otherwise has huge implications.

Again I will state .. many here are seeing AI as something that THEY will or will not choose to use. Thats not IT though. What IT is, is AI for example being used in music, graphics, film industries to generate content that otherwise would have been done by people and hence either doing these people out of a job/jobs OR lowering the value money wise that they can get for these jobs. The core of the hollywood writers strike recently was exactly about this from what I gathered, in relation to ChatGPT.

Dont get trapped in the idea that business has ethics. It doesnt when it comes to the bottom line. If AI tools can be used to produce what was previously produced by an employee in any reasonable fashion then biz will opt for the AI to lower payroll and increase margin. Fool to think otherwise. AI in areas of graphics, written word, audio, film etc is good enough already to start seeing this threat as a reality

Yes, if we are hobbyists and dont depend on making music, graphics, film for a living then it is easy to be glib perhaps or not care. Indeed this AI thing will most likely not affect you. But my reason and audience for this thread was not for the hobbyists here or elsewhere, its more for those working in these industries and jobs that could really see threat from AI in alot shorter time than they might think.

Finally, AI dev is going at a very fast pace. What we have now will be indistinguishable from what will be here in a years time at this rate of development. 

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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6 hours ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

You have to understand that, as a tool, AI is still a far cry from solving any problems I have. Doesn't matter how fast it grows if it doesn't do squat for me. A tool is only as good as how useful it is for you.

You are framing it about yourself and optional usage. Its not about you using AI optionally and after that it doesnt matter. Its about the businesses you might deal with selling your service or product ( eg music ) to who will replace you with a satisfactory ( to them ) AI and either dumping you or lowering the price you get paid for your work.

If you are a hobbyist not relying on music etc to make a living then fair enough. Im not sure which you are? 

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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On 5/16/2023 at 4:01 AM, Jimbo 88 said:

I don't need a machine to tell me how to generate a  chord progression or a melody or how to eq.   What i can use is AI vocals to let me hear my compositions ( I am already doing this and loving it).

I'm curious, would you share what program you are using to get AI vocals?

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Re MIDJOURNEY mentioned earlier:


"The new generation of artificial intelligence tools for image synthesis are so good that they are already being used everywhere, from music albums to magazine covers."

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14 hours ago, aidan o driscoll said:

You are framing it about yourself and optional usage.

Of course I am. Music is a personal artistic endeavor and this is a forum from a DAW. In the end is all about how this tool can make my life easier and solve my problems. Anything else and you're being used by the tool instead.

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1 hour ago, aidan o driscoll said:

Interesting. Re singing - 8 mins in - discusses Synthesizer V


Synthesizer V fills a very small niche of a genre which is called "VOCALOID Music." Nobody is using those things outside of that otherwise. And considering how difficult is to even purchase a license for them, it's no wonder they're stuck in that small music bubble.


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1 hour ago, smallstonefan said:

Here's a video some of you might find interesting...



It's a tool and it may become an even better tool in the future.

One day I might ask AI to make me a MIDI piano track in the paying style of Elton John if he were plating in a speed punk metal band at 172 bpm. Won't that be fun?


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