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Q: Start Screen Doesn't Close When Drag & Dropping A Project To Open


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Yes. You can open CbB (or any program) by double clicking a file or project made by it. However, this method bypasses the Start Screen so it never even opens.

Dragging a project to CbB when already open with Start Screen seems to ignore the Start Screen and it stays open.

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The way I look at it is you have a few options to open projects. The file menu. Double click in a folder. The start screen.  I was unaware of the  forth option of drag and drop. Thinking about it that would require cakewalk was already open. 
The start screen can be disabled for those who use the other methods. But if it is set to open and you decide to use a different method it seems logical that you would close it and then use another method! 
In other words it’s an action screen waiting for your response. You either use it or close it. And if you don’t normally use it you can disable it 

Edited by John Vere
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My son got me a fancy lighted computer keyboard that allows me to set colors based on the program that has the PC's focus.  I set Cakewalk to orange and then noticed that the Cakewalk Start Screen doesn't turn the keyboard orange. I just assumed the Start Screen was an independent program or process.  

The Cakewalk Splash Screen triggers the switch to orange, and then when the Start Screen pops up, the keyboard switches to my default colors.  Selecting the Cakewalk Desktop (including closing the Start Screen) switches the keyboard to orange.  When I do Menu > File  > Start Screen, the keyboard goes to its default color. 

Ergo, the Start Screen is its own program or process.  (I will defer to those who know what goes on under the hood for any possible technical explanation.)

I have not tried dragging a project from Windows onto the Start Screen, yet.

UPDATE: I am not allowed to drop a *.cwp file onto the Start Screen.  I can drop it onto the Cakewalk Desktop.  That causes Cakewalk to load the project (as per the toaster message) and somewhere in the process the keyboard lights up orange.

BUG FOUND ? : If I dock the Start Screen on Mon. 2, and choose a project from it, Menu > File > Start Screen doesn't remember that the Start Screen was on Mon. 2 and defaults to Mon. 1 and covering part of the Cakewalk desktop. 

That might or might not be related to the "Start Screen Doesn't Close When Drag & Dropping A Project To Open" issue.

Edited by User 905133
fixed typos ; Bug Found comments added; update added
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I would assume this is intended - Start Screen follows the main GUI when opened.

Another thing that happens is if an instance of Sonar is open before I open CbB, the CbB Start Screen will NOT open at all.
So the two start screens are somehow interfering with, or sharing resources.

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17 hours ago, sjoens said:

Should it?

It sounds like a workflow issue to me.  -Kinda like getting mad because the fridge door keeps trying to close on me when I'm grabbing a beverage from the back shelf...

If you don't want to use the Start Screen,   -just close it. Then drag & drop to your heart's content!

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12 hours ago, User 905133 said:

I just assumed the Start Screen was an independent program or process.  

Just looked it up. I have CakewalkStartScreen.exe in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\StartPage.

When I changed the name to CakewalkStartScreen.NOT-exe (1) it doesn't open when I boot CbB and (2) it doesn't open when I do Menu > File > Start Screen.

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On 5/7/2023 at 7:08 AM, sjoens said:

Should it?

Absolutely. There's not a single scenario where you'd need both the Start Screen page and a project open, so it makes no sense for it to do that, especially considering the only function of the Start Screen is creating and opening projects.

On 5/8/2023 at 1:10 AM, JnTuneTech said:

If you don't want to use the Start Screen,   -just close it. Then drag & drop to your heart's content!

But then you lose its functionality. If the Start Screen can open automatically, why shouldn't it close automatically?

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It’s a typical widow action screen where you either execute an action or close it. Just about the most common feature in most software. It’s identical to the little window that will pop up when you try and close any program with out saving.  
Some have a box that says “ don’t show me this again “. Or like in this case you can disable it forever in preferences.  
But the thing is they all open automatically for a reason that is et in the software to trigger it and requires action on your part to close it 

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I can understand that it opens by default. For years I chose to have it not open at start up time. It might save a few people some time if there were a check box ("don't show me again") that would toggle check mark for the preference option as long the preference check box wasn't removed.  If it were removed, some of us would need a way to turn it back on.

Considering how people seem to go crazy if updates aren't done like clockwork, I am not sure this needs to be a priority.    


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I didn’t use the start screen for probably the fist few years it came out. I just carried on using the file menu.
When I started making tutorials I thought it best to use it as it’s simple for new people to understand.  I quickly got the hang of it and especially the way you can have customized icons by placing a picture in the notes of the Browser.
So i generally I use it to return to any recent projects I’m working on. I also access my templates that way. 
If I start my day wanting to open an old project I just go to the folder and open it there by double clicking.   

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I understand it to be a separate process, but my only thought was once a project is opened - regardless of how it was opened - the start screen would go away.

This because sometimes there are messages from opening a project that are hidden behind the Start Screen and I'm left wondering why the project is not opening fully.

To be fair... the old start screen also stays in que when a project is dragged in.

Edited by sjoens
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