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Latency after 4 minutes



Hello, I have a new Dell i9 PC laptop running Bandlab by Cakewalk on Windows 11. My interface is the Tascam US 16x08. I'm recording 8 tracks of drums. It works fine with no latency, but after about 4 minutes I start hearing digital clicks and pops, accompanied with some latency. I've tried recording at 44.1 and 48. I'm using the ASIO driver. Pleas advise. Thanks!

Edited by yogimusic
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What is the actual Dell model?

Support Assist can be an issue with audio.  Disable it in startup, but don't uninstall it as it integrates with the POST (Power On Self Test) and the Dell hardware diagnostics. (Restart the PC after disabling).   

The 16X08 appears to be one problem, since other interfaces appear to run OK.  If the TASCAM drivers are not specified for Win 11, install them in a compatibility mode for whatever Windows version they are for (e.g. Win 10).

Finally download and  run Resplendence Latency Mon and see what that shows.  



Edited by Jack Stoner
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