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I am an "adult entertainer"


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2 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

The dancers treated us like younger brothers, and there was no socializing with us or the customers after hours. The place could lose their license.

I realized the girls were hard-working, and some of them took it as an art form. Unlike the t___y bars of today, they took their time undressing. Like musicians, most of them were making a living doing what they liked to do.

One of the girls was billed with the tag line "with a million dollar wardrobe" but she didn't keep it on all that long.

All in all, for a boy of 18 years old, it was pretty much a dream job.


Notes ♫

I spent a lot of time before I was 18 years old in adult situations like where you worked .

My favorite curvey aun't danced a some pretty swanky places in NYC . I used to love the fact that my mom wouldn't hire a baby sitter .She would just bring myself and my 2 brothers out to the club to see my aun't dance and all the dancers bettwen dances would baby sit us .

I used to love all the attention  the dancers would lavish on us ....they would hold our hands , flirt and just make a big fuss over the 3 brothers dressed in the same outfits ...Some would even go as far as to ask me if I was single ?and available to get married xD

I guess by todays standards my mom would be considered a party girl and many of my aun'ts and uncles had no relations ship to me and my brothers what so ever  ?

I do get what you are saying . As an adult I have played and worked in places where there were nude dancers ,  gambling , and all sorts of activities going on ...sometimes even in the same place .

My humor may have been out of place in the context of your post . I appologise if my post  may caused you any emotional distress.




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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No emotional distress, no offense, everything is fine, Kenny. I took it as humor.

On the road we did a month in Albany, GA, where I dated a hooker for the month. She took a liking to me, and if she didn't have a client, she took me home with her. Most of her clients were high salaried businessmen. That was before AIDS, when anything anyone could have caught was curable. I didn't catch anything.

In Ft. Lauderdale, FL, I dated an “exotic dancer”. She made a lot of money and worked hard for it.

I learned a lot about working girls in my days on the road, and have a huge respect for them.

A lot of people who don't mind their own business say these people are 'selling their bodies'. That may be so, but if working 40 hours per week for some faceless corporation isn't also selling your body, I don't know what is.

As you can tell, I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy. As long as you aren't harming someone else, it's OK with me.


Notes ♫


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3 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

That was before AIDS,

Ah, the true Golden Era.

Young folks complain that they'll never be able to own a home, jealous that their grandparents bought theirs for less than the price of a pickup truck today. Little do they know, that wasn't the best perc us boomers enjoyed.

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When I danced at Chip 'N Dales (as mentioned before, NOT as a Chip 'N Dales dancer, but as one of about 30 guys who would show up at 10pm to be greeted by about 300 girls who had just got all frisky after watching a show), the actual guys doing the shows were completely scared s***less about getting AIDS.  Ironically, me being me, I ended up going out with one of the waitresses for about six months while my best friend was with girl after girl after girl!  The waitresses there wore so little that, after getting about three drinks, you've seen everything they have to offer anyway.  As such, my stupid joke line of "So, come here often?" actually worked since guys rarely ever just looked at their faces and simply talked to them as a real person.

Those in the Hollywood area all know that anyone coming out to try and become an actor or actress usually end up being a waiter or a waitress!  LOL.

Ironically, the nice girl who had just come out from Boulder Colorado, did end up being a famous actress of sorts!  In the pr0n industry (her name was Julie Ashton).

Side-note:  This was the club that I would hang out with Eddie Van Halen while Valerie was off in New York filming episodes of Family Ties for a season that never got aired!

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On 5/2/2023 at 12:55 PM, bitflipper said:

Ah, the true Golden Era.

Young folks complain that they'll never be able to own a home, jealous that their grandparents bought theirs for less than the price of a pickup truck today. Little do they know, that wasn't the best perc us boomers enjoyed.

On the road, gigging at a different college town's singles bar, two weeks in the same place (sometimes four)--after the free-love revolution, and before AIDS put a ***** on it. That was as close to heaven as any generation of young folks ever got.

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5 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

On the road, gigging at a different college town's singles bar, two weeks in the same place (sometimes four)--after the free-love revolution, and before AIDS put a ***** on it. That was as close to heaven as any generation of young folks ever got.

Man that was a fun time!  Being in San Diego and just old enough to drink, it WAS pretty close to heaven.

What I really miss about those days was how there was a circuit of participating bars, nightclubs, hotels and even bowling alleys.  Then each band would stay at a place for a week before they all rotated.  If you liked the location, you got to see a different band each week or, if you preferred to follow a band, you got to see a new location each week!  I used to go out multiple times a week so I did both approaches.  LOVED IT!   ☺️

Twice I got to get up on stage and join the band for a song with the last time helping to play a Billy Idol song (I think it was Rebel Yell) at a place called Lehr's Greenhouse.  I'm surprised I don't remember the name of the band actually, I can still picture the members in my head...  Why are these details still fresh in my brain?  Because it was the next night that I broke my arm and wasn't able to play for years...  *Sigh...* ?

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On 5/2/2023 at 2:14 PM, craigb said:

When I danced at Chip 'N Dales

I was asked to join the Chip 'N Whales one time. Me and two bandmates were out trying to book gigs at a dance club one night and this short very wide gentleman dressed in a very expensive suit came up to me and asked me if I would be interested in joining.

The guy gave me his business card and told me if I was interested they'd send a limo to my house and take me to an audition in NYC.

From that day on our bass player Terry called me Chip. He passed away about 15 years ago but the guys in the band that are still alive rib me about it to this day. Terry was laying on his stomach on the bar laughing so hard he was crying and pounding his fists and kicking his feet. I admit it was really funny. One of those band stories you never forget.

Edited by Shane_B.
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On 5/4/2023 at 9:26 AM, Notes_Norton said:

On the road, gigging at a different college town's singles bar, two weeks in the same place (sometimes four)--after the free-love revolution, and before AIDS put a ***** on it. That was as close to heaven as any generation of young folks ever got.

Would I get away with Rubber for the *****?

That censored word took me by surprise. I thought that was the respected name for that piece of safety wearable.

OK, I'll hit "Submit" and we'll see if the word rubber is banned.

Craig mentioned bowling alley's. We did the Cereal Bowl in Battle Creek, Michigan. It was the biggest bowling alley lounge I ever gigged in.

Before DJs took over a big chunk of our business, there were so many live music venues, anyone who was halfway decent could get a gig. And there were plenty of girls who were attracted to musicians. We called them "band-aids" with no disrespect intended. Beautiful girls, and I thank them all for the fun we had together.


Notes ♫

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18 hours ago, craigb said:

Props to them for a fun name!

(Hehe... Bob can't say con dom here!!! ? )

How did you get away with it? The auto censor nuked it when I posted it.

I should cry favoritism, get a lawyer and sue the bot. I need Protection (use a ******?). I'll send a French Letter via certified mail. I'll put on a Raincoat and march on the streets during inclement weather. The bot is trying to bust my Balloon. I can't Rubber stamp this action. The bot is tying to Sock it to me. How can I practice Safe Sax now?


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I didn't get his name at first , but I do know in High School he used to go by the name The Big 10.

Apparently he picked a really good name for himself yet he hadn't thought it the whole way through . A couple of weeks before prom night one of the cheer leaders decided to sample his wares and she was somewhat disappointed  to discover there was an element of false advertising in play regarding his epic name .

She was expecting the full experience of The Big 10  but what she got was the little Three 3 times and then he owed her one .

As one could imagine , once the word got out , all the  high school students both male and female decided to teach our friend a lesson he would remember for the rest of his life . They shot him with an animal dart tranquilizer rifle , dressed him up in a big slimy rubber  , then they took his picture for the whole world to see him for what he really was . 

And there you have it folks  ,

This is the true story of Rubber Johnny  after he was forced to stop using the nick name The Big 10  and wound up in the Class of 68 High School Year Book .



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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So if i understand , to be entertained , alchool need to be in the equation ? lol don't know if that validate your statment ..... 

since at one point everything is entertainement in that state lol /...

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