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Moonrise (tropical instrumental)

Larry T.

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Hi again. Don't usually put up another song so soon but, what the heck, here goes. Here's one I wrote and recorded a few months ago. Have at it, let me know your impressions of it, hope you enjoy it??️☀️?

link to Moonrise:



tropical-moonrise-laura-rodriguez 597x900 small.jpg


DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab

 pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, acoustic and electric guitars, 4 string electric bass, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, CbB effects

reference speakers: M-Audio BX3

Edited by Larry T.
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Very relaxing yes tropicalish. I agree with JohnB that some up front stuff would add to the presence. If I was working on this I would have some pretty high stuff come in like high strings or synth at times or something like that,  just to break up the tonality and add a few surprises. Nice piece !

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35 minutes ago, Johnbee58 said:

I enjoy this very much but it sounds to me that it needs more of a melody in the front.  As it is it's a great background but a lead type of line would take it to another dimension.

?John B

Thanks so much John. I agree with you. I will work on that. I reached a point with it where I just thought I'd set it aside and didn't even post it here till now as I stopped work on it a few months ago. Looks like I have more work to do ????

20 minutes ago, treesha said:

Very relaxing yes tropicalish. I agree with JohnB that some up front stuff would add to the presence. If I was working on this I would have some pretty high stuff come in like high strings or synth at times or something like that,  just to break up the tonality and add a few surprises. Nice piece !

Thanks treesha, appreciate the kind words. I put this song aside kind of knowing it wasn't quite finished and you and JohnB both noticed that too. Gonna have to work on creating the missing piece to give the song the elements it needs ????

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On 4/25/2023 at 9:32 PM, bjornpdx said:

Larry,  Very nice and well mixed but it didn't sound particularly tropical to me. Maybe slow down the tempo a bit?  Add in some ocean surf sounds and Hawaiian guitars and there you go.  ?

Thanks Bjorn. The project took over 60 tracks (including auxiliaries), it took awhile to get the mix as decent as it is. The maracas ? alone are three tracks. The basses are eight tracks. And it still needs one or two more somethings to bring it to the next level. The surf sounds are interesting, maybe an owl ? ?, lol!????

Edited by Larry T.
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9 hours ago, Kevin Walsh said:

Really nice work! I put my headphones on and floated along. Killer guitar tones! What did you use to get that sound?

Thanks Kevin. Here's a screenshot from the project of one of the electric lead guitars at  00:36. I used my six string electric to a Focusrite Scarlett Solo audio interface. Opened up THX and loaded Bank 5 TH3 Inspired, Preset 3 Clean Dreamy. I had to lower the Darkface'65 amp head volume to 3 to get as clean (no distortion) a sound as I could out of it. I also made an aux track to further adjust the EQ of the guitar for optimum clarity with the other instruments in that individual passage of the song. Pan is full left and full right on the guitars in some sections. Also a lot of volume corrections to tame the high parts (transients)????



moonrise el guitar screenshot.png

Edited by Larry T.
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Yeah. Very nice Larry. I can appreciate the laid back mood and the fine guitar tones and performance. The snare and toms sound a bit to the back in relation the cymbals?  But at the same time I wouldn't want to intrude on the guitar space too much by pulling them forward a tad. Don't really now how I would handle this one or if its just best to let it be. In any event, I enjoyed the feel and mood of the tune very much. 

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On 4/30/2023 at 2:43 PM, steve@baselines.com said:

Nice super cool laid back feel to this one.  The guitar just melts into place!



Thanks steve. Appreciate the kind words. It was nice to do this song, I tried to keep it loose and relaxed with a traditional song structure????

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On 5/2/2023 at 9:58 AM, DeeringAmps said:

Yup, tossed my producer's cap aside, sipped my Margarita and enjoyed...


Thanks Tom. It was the best mix I could do a few months ago, could do a better one now as the last few months I've had a lot more time to spend on music and was able to figure out a lot more solutions to stuff????

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23 hours ago, FreeEarCandy said:

Yeah. Very nice Larry. I can appreciate the laid back mood and the fine guitar tones and performance. The snare and toms sound a bit to the back in relation the cymbals?  But at the same time I wouldn't want to intrude on the guitar space too much by pulling them forward a tad. Don't really now how I would handle this one or if its just best to let it be. In any event, I enjoyed the feel and mood of the tune very much. 

Thanks so much. I don't disagree with your take on the drums. When I mixed this a few months ago I didn't know a few things I am now aware of to make them sound better????

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