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How do I get louder volume without clipping?

T Boog

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I was just wondering if you were trying to track a really awesome guitar riff on a gut punching 412 cabinet with a 100 watt head that is really cranked while trying to listen through a set of 5 inch Rokits....  The problem might not necessarily be the driver... 5 inch speakers in a small to mid-size room can be fairly loud.  I went to 8 inch speakers to help the difference when tracking because i liked calling down the thunder, but I had a choice, I could either hear my CLICK track OR spend a lot of time lining up transients.  I learned to turn my guitar down and go for clarity...

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Few days ago I set up my studio in serious listening mode to listen and re mix all 35 of the songs I’ve been working on for 25 years. Last mixes were noted as being done in March. 
Here is another tool I found useful for proofing my mixes. Muting  buses. 
I needed backing tracks for the Summer gigs. I mute the guitar and vocal bus and export a custom mix. This leaves Bass,Drums and keyboards. 
I found flaws and errors as I was listening and playing along to practice for upcoming gigs.  

Point is, soloing and muting busses will reveal issues with your mixes. As well as using as many playback systems as you can. 

Anyways I had to take notes and fix stuff as I progressed which is all that happened since last March. I use Mix Recall to save different mixes. 

Gigs are almost  over and I had some time to apply these changes to the full songs. I sat and listened to them all last night, this time using  my headphones. I only made a few notes. It’s usually 2 pages.  I think tonight is the night!

All I can say is every time I sit down to re mix I have a totally new workflow. You never stop learning and improving your mixing skills.  

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