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"Escher's waltz" classical guitar piece


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Hi All, I bought a new classical guitar , composed this little piece inspired by the works of M.C.Escher.

Sorry about the breathing noise, bad lungs, can't be helped ?


edit 11-3  messed wih the placement of the guitars, the eq and the reverb

Edited by RikF
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Hi KSband, thanks for listening, glad you like the classical guitar.

Hi Grem, thanks, glad you like the recording.  I upload my stuff from within cakewalk to the band lab site, if you click on share you can get an embed code to paste in your post here.



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6 minutes ago, RikF said:

 I upload my stuff from within cakewalk to the band lab site, if you click on share you can get an embed code to paste in your post here.

Yeah, I noticed that. I just opened CWbBL and saw that I could do that. Pretty slick actually.

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Hi All, did a revision of this piece.  The arpegiated guitar is now doubled and eq'd seperately and one track delayed 10ms, panned hard left and right, Lead guitar is now square in the centre. Reverb is now a send.

Have a listen, if you like.

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Hi Rik - nice work on the arpeggio (not easy to maintain the tempo) and tone is very nice. Did I detect an altered tuning or is it tuned to regular pitch?

Some of those chord changes put me in mind of shades of Ant Phillips early solo work (Tregenna Afternoons).

Lovely stuff - well played


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Hi,Andy, thanks forlistening, glad you like the arpeggiated part.  This is in standard tuning but I get why you think it might be an altered tuning, the chords are all triads plus the open  high e string for every chord, makes for some nice disonance here and there ?

Didn't know Ant Philips, listened to some pieces on youtube, nice stuff.


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On 3/13/2023 at 2:09 PM, RikF said:

Didn't know Ant Philips, listened to some pieces on youtube, nice stuff.

I've got most of his back catalogue - eclectic would be the word but there are some absolute gems in there - Field of Eternity is a particular favourite of mine.

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Very nice and well played.  Love that classical guitar sound. I kind of wanted to hear the arpeggio part by itself for a few measures with chord changes. Just a suggestion.

I like the title which seems to fit the song well.

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