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Feature Request - Separate More Colors in the Theme Editor

Matthew White

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I know this has been requested before, but I think it was in the UI Themes section of the Forum and I think the Feedback Loop section might be a better place to ask.

Please separate more colors for theming, far too many colors affect other areas making it difficult when using lighter or darker backgrounds for different areas, for example, Console View: Control Text and Values sets the color for not just the Pan and Gain Values, it also affects the console view button text which makes it difficult, if not impossible to use lighter buttons and a darker strip or vice versa, it also affects the 'Inspector', 'Multidock' and 'Browser' Text in track view.

A single color for each single area would be far more desirable and would allow many more options for theme creation, I find the current way very limiting and often find many of my theme ideas thwarted by incompatibility due to one color affecting more than one area, more separation would open up so many more possibilities, Please do this! ❤️

Edited by Matthew White
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I'm supporting a Complete Theme Support in the Cakewalk.

Here is the full list of the uncustomizable parts in the Cakewalk:

Track Control Areas
Track View Bus Envelopes Pane Background
Piano Roll View Tracks Pane
Piano Roll View Tracks Pane Unselected Track
Piano Roll View Musical Snap Resolution
Media/Plugin Browser
Media/Plugin Browser Search Bar
Unactive Notes Pane
Arranger Track - Track View
Tempo Track - Track View
Tempo Track - Inspector View
Articulation Maps
SynthRack View
Control Bar
Staff View Tracks Pane
Big Time
Lyrics View
Sysx View

Track Control Areas
Arranger Track - Track View
Tempo Track - Track View
Tempo Track - Inspector View
Articulation Maps
Video Now Time
Big Time
Lyrics View
Sysx View
Export Module
Clip Stretch Percentage
Selected Clip Stretch Percentage

Piano Roll View Tracks Pane
Plugin/Media Browser
Synth Rack View
Event list
Lyrics View
Sysx View

Piano Roll View Piano Black Bars
Multidock Scroll İcons
Synth Rack View Synth Background
Menubar Icons
Loop Construction Vew Horizontal Zoom Control
Arranger Sections and Arrangements Area

Inspector View Left Right Borders
Selected Clips Border
Track View Track Separator Color
Matrix View Notes/Cells Separator
Track Icon Border

Selected Clip Fade


And this is the Checker which is a Theme&Color settings for to see missing parts directly:


Edited by murat k.
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I support the request. Same colors used in different parts of the UI make it difficult to develop new themes.

So please, please, please with a cherry on top ? 

And if you could get rid of the obsolete items and colors in the Theme Editor, that would be great too!

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I heartily endorse this. Doubt it will ever happen, but if it did, I'd be a happy .STH Lord indeed. In all the time I've been messing about with themes, the devs have not fulfilled any feature requests regarding TE. Not ruling it out.

I think that people who make custom themes, especially those of us who put a LOT of time and effort into it, contribute a lot to the user community at large. I have no way of knowing how many people actually use my themes; I mostly approach it as I do with every creative endeavor. I make what I would like to see or hear, then throw it out there for whoever wishes to enjoy it.

I can't even remember the last time I worked in Cakewalk using a stock theme. The button images are small and, IMO, sometimes ambiguous and inconsistent.

The fact that Cakewalk has such extensive theme editing (I know of no other DAW except REAPER that even comes close) is something that has brought me a LOT of enjoyment. I consider it a creative pursuit in itself. Thanks to doing it, I've really leveled up my Paint.net skills. There's a sense of community to it with The Young Lady's Illustrated Primer and your own notes.

I encourage anyone to swipe my art and ideas for their own themes (as I originally copped your console bypass button images and so many ideas from you and Colin). I'm really proud of the Transport and Tools Modules in Blue Flat Dark, Green Flat Dark, and Tungsten RST.

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DP is customizable & Mixcraft is wide open for it tho there's no app like T.E. for doing them.

Cool thing about Mixcraft is it's XML file is completely exposed, not buried in a DLL. You can even swap some colors for images and vise-versa.

On 2/12/2023 at 12:53 PM, Starship Krupa said:

... then throw it out there for whoever wishes to enjoy hack it.

fixed. :D


BTW, some of the listed items above used to be but now aren't.

Edited by sjoens
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