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Is there any way to change my big name here


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From way back when I discovered the Beatles as a teenager. I was obsessed with the song of the name, and I started signing my drawings and art projects with it in school. It iss a shortened version of my old early 2000's IM nickname, too.  Also, I love rainy days.

In actuallity though, it is not my nick name. In real life, a lot of pople call me... The Dark Lord.  ?

I would never call myself that, obviously - except as a joke.

That one I got from a girl at work in the early 2000's. She started calling me that and the rest of the people picked up on it and it stuck with me ever since. Even my boss called me - and still calls me - that. I've left that place in 2008 but the name stayed with me - some people (not very close obviously) don't even know my actual name. Even my ex-wife used to refer to me by that name when we met and started dating.

The funny thing is that, I had never seen the Star Wars movies in English at that point, so I was completely oblivious to the reference. But I always wear black, I am tall, I have broad shoulders, and people always told me I looked like a knight or a prince or whatever, so it seemed to be just another one of those.


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7 hours ago, craigb said:

TBH, if that was my full name, I'd rock the whole dang thing! ??

You say that like a man who is merely using an abbreviation of his actual name, but it is my understanding that there has long been speculation in these parts as to whether craigb is your real name.

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For decades my nickname was Bilbo. From The Hobbit, of course. Tolkien wasn't mainstream back then like he is today, but every college student read him, along with Carlos Castaneda. I got hooked after reading The Hobbit in one all-night sitting, on LSD, sitting in the courtyard of the dorm. 

Our college band was called "Bilbo's Tired Head", from a line in The Hobbit. People would come up and ask which one of us was Bilbo, and my bandmates would point to me. I don't know why. I don't have large feet and they're not hairy.

Using a distinct nickname has its advantages. I could call somebody up that I hadn't spoken with in years and say "Hi, this is Bilbo" and they'd never have to ask "Bilbo who?". There are probably still people in the world who never knew my real name. I stopped using it when I realized that many were mis-hearing it as "*****". My user name on KVR is still bbaggins.

[EDIT] Apparently, you can't say "*****" here. You can buy one at Walmart, but don't dare say it out loud.

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1 hour ago, bitflipper said:

For decades my nickname was Bilbo. From The Hobbit, of course. Tolkien wasn't mainstream back then like he is today, but every college student read him, along with Carlos Castaneda. I got hooked after reading The Hobbit in one all-night sitting, on LSD, sitting in the courtyard of the dorm. 

Our college band was called "Bilbo's Tired Head", from a line in The Hobbit. People would come up and ask which one of us was Bilbo, and my bandmates would point to me. I don't know why. I don't have large feet and they're not hairy.

Using a distinct nickname has its advantages. I could call somebody up that I hadn't spoken with in years and say "Hi, this is Bilbo" and they'd never have to ask "Bilbo who?". There are probably still people in the world who never knew my real name. I stopped using it when I realized that many were mis-hearing it as "*****". My user name on KVR is still bbaggins.

[EDIT] Apparently, you can't say "*****" here. You can buy one at Walmart, but don't dare say it out loud.

Wait... You can't you say di ldo here? ?

Anyway...  Someday I'd love to watch your band perform Dave!  Sure, you're about 160 miles North of me down here in Vantucky, but I'm now meeting people from the Seattle area and, once I start getting paid again, might take a road-trip up there.  Does your band have a website with a gig schedule?

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15 hours ago, craigb said:

Does your band have a website with a gig schedule?

Yes, but there isn't much on it at the moment, as we're currently woodshedding with a new member. Just played our first gig with him last night. He's good, but we've got a long way to go. Should be ramping up soon, though. Summer's coming.

Give me a heads-up when you'll be in the area. 

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19 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Tolkien wasn't mainstream back then like he is today, but every college student read him, along with Carlos Castaneda. I got hooked after reading The Hobbit in one all-night sitting, on LSD, sitting in the courtyard of the dorm. 

Didn't care much for Tolkien and never got past The Hobbit book, but I devoured the Castaneda books back then. But I appreciated the Tolkien movies at a much older age.

The LSD days were definitely a lot of fun. Acid rock was some good music and fun to play too. But today, I'm pretty straight, two or three glasses of red wine per week is it. No particular reason, I just got tired of being high, I guess. But who knows about the future?

My wife's name is Leilani. She never hears "Leilani who?". Off-line I just go by Bob, so if I call someone and say "It's Bob", I'll definitely hear "Bob who?"

On-line, I'm just Notes, and nobody says "Notes who?" so I guess my sister's business partner did me a favor.

Notes ♫



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3 hours ago, InstrEd said:

So how many Tums did you take ;)

Despite what advertisers and Big Pharma would like you to think, antacids are really bad for you.  Ever since I learned to take a small amount (about a tablespoon) of Apple Cider Vinegar (the good stuff with the "Mother" - like Bragg's) in a cup of water with my meal of the day I haven't had acid reflux since!

The issue isn't that you have too much acid, it's that you don't have enough so the food isn't getting digested quickly enough and sticks around.  Of course, there's the other possibility that you're simply eating too much as well!  I'm now down to only one meal a day.  I also fast one day every week and do a longer fast (3+ days) once a month.  HUGE improvements in all health areas!

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I used to have horrible acid reflux that usually occurred in the middle of the night (which made it that much more fun!).

I am VERY appreciative to not have that happening any more!

All of it due to a splash of ACV in a cup of water once a day. ?

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On 2/4/2023 at 9:50 PM, craigb said:

TBH, if that was my full name, I'd rock the whole dang thing! ??

I wish I could rock my whole name . I can't beause my birth certificate has me listed  down as, 

Kengy T .J. Octavious Pablo Enrique Charles Wilson Tele Jazz III .

Telejazz for short on popular music forums can sure come in handy sometimes .?

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