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No deal - where’s Simeon?


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9 minutes ago, Simeon Amburgey said:

They were being impersonated by the hacker in a fake collaboration scheme,
I spoke to Jay Lichty by phone and he verified that his company was targeted before.
The weight of responsibility falls entirely on myself for overriding my gut. I have a lot to share on this once things are up again. In short, the hackers have to hack you first before they can hack your system.

Jay and his wife at Lichty guitars are doing some amazing things for musicians and their community. It is very sad to see them exploited and misrepresented like this,

The story continues and I am praying for a happy ending soon. Seeing this is over a weekend I do not expect much movement until Monday.

Until then, stay joyful ? 

Got it ... finger crossed ...stay confident and positif ... everything happens for a reason ....

If we can help in any manner just ask !

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42 minutes ago, cclarry said:

Simeon is BACK online at YouTube!


I have some work to do before everything is back up to full speed but this is a huge step in that direction.

Thanks everyone for the amazing support. I look forward to being back to share more about this particular incident but more importantly to get back making joyful sounds to take us on new Joyful Journeys!

Joyfully yours,


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Great to see that post, Simeon! I knew they couldn't keep you down. As I mentioned,  I've been through hacks more than once (I started one of the first online publications focused on digital marketing on the web and it was hacked a few times since going live in 1998). 

Perseverance triumphs over these small set backs (yes, it's major when  you're in the midst of it, but once you're farther from it, you'll  look back and it becomes a very minor part of your story), and of course, perseverance builds character. A hacker can never take that down. Best wishes!

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3 hours ago, Simeon Amburgey said:


I have some work to do before everything is back up to full speed but this is a huge step in that direction.

Thanks everyone for the amazing support. I look forward to being back to share more about this particular incident but more importantly to get back making joyful sounds to take us on new Joyful Journeys!

Joyfully yours,


Simeon , all there ? nothing missing ? 

At least seems like Youtube is effectiv to get security issues resolved  .....

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1 hour ago, Zo said:

Simeon , all there ? nothing missing ? 

At least seems like Youtube is effectiv to get security issues resolved  .....

For the most part as far as I can tell, all of my previous videos are still there. I did lose my channel playlists, community posts, and some channel customizations but that is easy to work through restoring.
I was very encouraged by YouTube's response. I realize that this happened over a weekend period but they were quick to get things sorted today, which is appreciated.
I made sure to share as much as I could regarding information, I thought woul dbe helpful for them and I am making sure that I have locked everything down appropriately and HAVE A SYSTEM BACKUP in place!

We are on our way once. again!
I am hoping to be LIVE on Friday to unpack some of this, I look forward to seeing all of you soon.


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1 hour ago, JoeGBradford said:

This is another time we need a love icon! Great that you've got it sorted Simeon!

It's how people pull together, encourage and cheer each other on that makes this forum my favorite of its kind. Getting things you worked so hard on maliciously hacked is a really bad experience. On the other hand,  seeing the kindness and encouragement like Simeon is seeing overshadows the bad, IMO. It helps to put things into perspective and I think it's clear that encouragement means something to our friend Simeon.

As a forum member, seeing the outpouring of encouragement and kindness to him and people celebrating Simeon getting things back and running says so much about this community.  This might not big the biggest music making community,  but it's got a lot of heart and that's kind of a big deal,  IMO. 

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14 hours ago, Simeon Amburgey said:

For the most part as far as I can tell, all of my previous videos are still there. I did lose my channel playlists, community posts, and some channel customizations but that is easy to work through restoring.
I was very encouraged by YouTube's response. I realize that this happened over a weekend period but they were quick to get things sorted today, which is appreciated.
I made sure to share as much as I could regarding information, I thought woul dbe helpful for them and I am making sure that I have locked everything down appropriately and HAVE A SYSTEM BACKUP in place!

We are on our way once. again!
I am hoping to be LIVE on Friday to unpack some of this, I look forward to seeing all of you soon.


On time with the new Quadra .... and rive us to sounds sources isolated and more simple sources to see if it can answer also the need of various quality instruments with the option to beef em up ;) 

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Short Update

So while all of the videos are there (thank The Lord), the hackers set them all to PRIVATE.
I now have to go through ALL of the videos on the channel and edit the visibility so that they can be PUBLIC once more. This might result in seeing new notifications of previously published videos and other unexpected things but the upside is that things are being restored.

As @PavlovsCat mentioned, this community is the best!
I have been a cakewalk user since the late 90's and this forum has always been home for me. Surrounded by so many amazing and talented musicians, I am so fortunate and honored to be here as a part of the Cakewalk community.

I will continue to keep you posted!

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2 hours ago, Zo said:

On time with the new Quadra .... and rive us to sounds sources isolated and more simple sources to see if it can answer also the need of various quality instruments with the option to beef em up ;) 

Before the hack, UVI sent Quadra Travellers to me.
I hope to get it going soon.


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1 hour ago, Simeon Amburgey said:

I now have to go through ALL of the videos on the channel and edit the visibility so that they can be PUBLIC once more.

Simeon, so sorry that you had to go though this, but happy that you got it back.

But one thing I'm scratching my head about here is what did the hackers hope to gain by doing this? Seems like they wasted a whole lot of time for nothing, especially with going to all the trouble of marking your videos private!

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1 hour ago, abacab said:

Simeon, so sorry that you had to go though this, but happy that you got it back.

But one thing I'm scratching my head about here is what did the hackers hope to gain by doing this? Seems like they wasted a whole lot of time for nothing, especially with going to all the trouble of marking your videos private!

That is the 64 million dollar question. The only thing I can think of is disruption and possible attempt at identity theft. The motivation is selfish and evil in my opinion.
I am thankful that they did not delete the videos, that would have been devastating and of course take a this in a totally different direction.

Having this happen has added a layer of uncertainty to everything I have done using the Gmail account that the channel was associated with as they could have potentially used it to search for sensitive information that lies dormant in most of our Gmail accounts. They did not get into or access my AdSense account to try and redirect any payments, I think YouTube locked that out when the channel was suspended. I am working on moving the channel to another Gmail address as a precaution.


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First to comment on Simeon's latest video (okay, I should be working -- I put your video on in the background)! I like the new upright piano library! I'm a sucker for upright pianos.  As we grew up with one (that replaced our baby grand, which, frankly., I preferred, but I find uprights great for much of the music I play). 

It's good to see a new piano from SampleTekk, I've been a customer for two decades and have had nothing but positive experiences. Per is super nice and very patient. I've had two times where I needed to redownload SampleTekk libraries and he couldn't have been more helpful. Great to see you up and running, @Simeon Amburgey


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