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Jerry Pettit

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Took a month off to travel and came back, updated to the most recent version (2022.11 Build 021, 64 bit).

Current on Windows--just updated (although I had the "no sound" problem even before the update).

User since DOS Ver. 2.  So I know to check connections, speaker working, etc. (and it works fine for YouTube, etc.)

I've had--I'm guessing we've ALL had--these little glitches before and it always works out.  But this time...how?  Here are pertinent screenshots of Device and Driver screens and it all looks okay.

When, I push play it all moves forward but no sound, 

Thanks in advance!  [EDIT:  I AM able to still Export my project to an MP3 that I can then hear elsewhere, so--that seems kind of weird...]

Playback And Recording.jpg

Driver Settings.jpg


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OK, I did remove it (I don't really use FL Studio anyway) and...no change.

I hope someone else--or you again--has some idea on fixing this.  I've seen the complaints before, watched the videos, had this happen before and worked through it, but this time...hasn't been fixable yet.

Thanks, everyone, in advance.  Seems to be a fairly common problem and I hope it's one that I can be helped with.  


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Yes, a couple of times now.  And FL Studio, by the way, plays and sounds fine even without that driver.  It is using the main ASIO driver I'm sure although not sure how to check.  I'll GOOGLE that.  

Doesn't really have anything to do with fixing my CAKEWALK problem--but it makes it look less like a driver issue and more a Cakewalk issue.  Thanks for your prompt response.


[EDIT: My mistake--FL Studio was on system sound.  Switching it to ASIO made the sound go away...]



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As I thought some more about the fact that ANOTHER program--FLStudio--was ALSO not accessing ASIO, and--inspired by Byron's "did you reboot" question--I simply unplugged my Tascam 2x2 Interface and plugged it back in and...VOILA!!

"Have you unplugged it and plugged it back in" is always the first thing you should check out, right?  Sigh...

Thanks, @Byron Dickens , for your help! ? 


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4 hours ago, Jerry Pettit said:

@Jim Roseberry , I bought a couple of computers from you back in the day and know you are The Guru when it comes to Cakewalk.  Any advice?  I would be willing to pay for a consultation if I can't get this fixed in the next day or so. 

Hi Jerry,  

Just saw this.  Been crazy busy with the Holidays.

Glad you figured it out.

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