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Why Humans Have Holidays

Tim Smith

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I know this sounds like it's going to begin with a few very naturalistic thoughts and maybe it will.

As I pondered this question I tried to tie some significance to it all. In the case of Christmas, well,,,,,,,it's really what we make it, given the true origins for the holiday it seems to have been a time of debauchery for the pagans. 

Back to WHY we have these things called holidays. I have found the true reasons we have these times are really much different than the way these days are sometimes represented.  It is time off from work, an excuse to party, a time to put up decorations, acknowledgments of a diety, time for families to get together? Really over hundreds of years things haven't changed much. We rename the days to associate them with something else. If you believe things were made and someone is responsible for all of that as I do, this person probably isn't too awefully concerned about a party day amongst pagans or religious.



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7 hours ago, pwalpwal said:
9 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

Back to WHY we have these things called holidays.

because we're working otherwise, thanks to the trade unions that got us holidays (and so much more)

Now that I think about it, we celebrate Labor Day in the United States.  Labor Day is probably the only holiday that isn't dedicated to one man or deity.  Labor Day is for the honor of working peoples who toil and sweat, to build and maintain our foundations. 

I have been a laborer, and I am thankful for that holiday. 

I do not own a decoder ring.

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3 minutes ago, Jesse Screed said:

Now that I think about it, we celebrate Labor Day in the United States.  Labor Day is probably the only holiday that isn't dedicated to one man or deity.  Labor Day is for the honor of working peoples who toil and sweat, to build and maintain our foundations. 

I have been a laborer, and I am thankful for that holiday. 

I do not own a decoder ring.

How about Veterans Day?  Independence Day?  New Years Day?  ?

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1 hour ago, Jesse Screed said:

How could I possibly know who you are talking about if you don't tell me? 

My deity is Jesus, but I hesitated to say it because they say no religion is allowed.  When talking about the Christmas holiday, it's really hard to avoid, even though the holiday never originated from him per se. It's a pagan holiday that Christians also celebrate. We can thank the RCC for that. I am not RCC. The Jewish things are really more pivotal.

I don't really see the holiday as a religious holiday, but it includes religion. How about Easter? Kids under 10 it's about the chocolate easter bunny.

Sort of the same as veteran's day maybe. I appreciate the efforts of those who have fought for freedom, but I wonder how many people actually think about it when having those cookouts?  

Now Halloween....that one has extremes on both ends.

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