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One more Day - Collaboration with Grem-Simeon


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The last few days I have been working on one of Grems original songs as I was invited too collaborate on this amazing song.
In all honestly it is one of the most beautiful I have heard in a long time and was honoured.
Im sure Grem will chime in on the back story of the song - terminal illness  ?

This is a mix down and I would value your opinions on the vocal and mix and is a work in progress and asked Grem if if I could ask you all for opinions.
Thanks In advance as always.


Edited by garybrun
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This is a song that the lyrics were wrote by a friend of mine that was going through an illness that eventually took her away from us.  I used EZ Keys to come up with the song's chord progression. I also added the vocals to it. I then asked Simeon to play the piano part instead of using the EZ Keys stuff, and also asked if he could add some strings. Well he took this song and turned it into a beautiful piece of music. He did a fantastic job.

I came up with, recorded a vocal part and was able to let my friend listen to what she inspired and contributed to before she lost her battle. But I couldn't give it the emotion that it really needed. So I asked Gary to help out and he accepted. He has done what I believe to be a fantastic job and can not thank him enough for the enthusiasm and talent he gave in his contribution to this project. He also did the mix! Much better than I had done.

This is dedicated to you Dina, RIP girl. 

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Beautiful song. There's singing and then there's singing with emotion. You expressed the sentiment of the lyrics incredibly well with your compassionate  delivery.

I listened on headphones bluetoothed to my laptop at  Starbucks. I couldn't make out some of  the words esp those sung at a lower volume. I think the voc could be clearer if you EQ'd out the muddiness around 80Hz or so. Of course, this opinion is from  an older guy whose hearing ain't what it used to be so take that into consideration. 

Love the photo. ?


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Very nicely done gentlemen! This is a very powerful piece full of expression. Simple and elegant.

You actually got several more listens than just me for this one (got a couple of group listens in here). I have an aspiring pianist visiting and have been struggling to convey the power of expression via variation in volume and timing, so this was a perfect example for her (thanks Simeon).


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Many congrats to all who collaborated on this - great vocals Gary. A song like this is right in my zone - it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and delivers a thump in your chest - exactly what songs like this are supposed to do. A wonderful tribute and I hope it delivers positive memories for those who have lost someone close - thanks for sharing.

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Hi, Gary, Grem and Simeon,

Wow, this is an absolutely fantastic and very beautiful piece of music!?

Excellent songwriting and arrangement, Simeon's piano performance is powerful and very moving, the instrumental performances and orchestration are outstanding, and Gary's vocals are deep with emotion and really phenomenal!

The mix is top notch, perfect for the genre, and radio-ready sounding to me.

Wonderful collaboration, guys, and Grem, I'm sure that your friend, Dina is very happy somewhere and smiling about this amazingly beautiful tribute!?

Best Wishes,

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1 hour ago, Bob Oister said:

Dina is very happy somewhere and smiling about this amazingly beautiful tribute!?


Thanks Bob. Means a lot. It really does.

Simeon's piano work is over the top I thought. He really got it right. It's just top notch. The strings are very expressive. His work with the choir voices really stepped it up at the end. He just did an outstanding job.

And Gary mixed this really well. I mean he put a spit and shine on it that I just couldn't believe when I heard it. When he sent me the first  version of his vocal, I listened to it on my cell phone. And even on that device I could hear he did something to the mix I sent him! And I told him, you must have done something to the mix, cause I can hear the difference. Then he also got it mastered. Can't thank him enough. : )

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