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Numeric input for midi transpose slider


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Like the title says. I find it difficult to precisely control the slider to change transpose number.  I often use this to test transpose offsets in multiple track midi drums. Especially when converting from one library to another and I want to change the transpose on a track to track basis. The slider requires a too fine of touch to just slide single values - but typing in a value  (  or more typically - just doing + 1 - + 2 etc ) would far easier.

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Are you talking about Key +/- in the Inspector Panel?  For me the PC mouse wheel does +/-12  and  Shift+mouse wheel does +/- 1.  Are you talking about a different slider?

The documentation says "Enter a value (1 = a semitone), or press the + or – key to change the key by a single semitone. Use the [ or ] key to change the key by 12 semitones (one octave)."

If you are talking about the Transpose MFX, I was able to enter values by clIcking on the Offset value box.

If you are talking about Menu Bar > Process > Transpose, [ & ] still work for transposing by 12 and plus + minus still work for steps.

Edited by User 905133
(4) Fixed typo; (3) To add info about the Process > Transpose menu dialog; (2) To add info about the Transpose MFX; (1) To add a quote from the documentation about using keys to change the Inspector's Key+ value.
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On 12/4/2022 at 2:38 PM, User 905133 said:

Are you talking about Key +/- in the Inspector Panel?  For me the PC mouse wheel does +/-12  and  Shift+mouse wheel does +/- 1.  Are you talking about a different slider?

The documentation says "Enter a value (1 = a semitone), or press the + or – key to change the key by a single semitone. Use the [ or ] key to change the key by 12 semitones (one octave)."

If you are talking about the Transpose MFX, I was able to enter values by clocking on the Offset value box.

If you are talking about Menu Bar > Process > Transpose, [ & ] still work for transposing by 12 and plus + minus still work for steps.

Sorry just saw this response.... yes I'm talking about the Inspector panel. The slider widget there is not easy to guide to a specific number without over running. At times - I'm trying to adjust a key offset ( audibly ), to get an idea of how many keys to  edit transpose.   A Plus or minus 1  at the edges of the slider would be helpful as well as a numeric input. There seems to be a lot of screen real estate in the inspector window for midi generally. I can think of several ways to expand the current selections for better graphical layout. The transpose is just one that I use pretty regularly.

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On 1/26/2023 at 8:51 PM, RBH said:
On 12/4/2022 at 3:38 PM, User 905133 said:

Are you talking about Key +/- in the Inspector Panel?  For me the PC mouse wheel does +/-12  and  Shift+mouse wheel does +/- 1.  

Sorry just saw this response.... yes I'm talking about the Inspector panel. The slider widget there is not easy to guide to a specific number without over running. At times - I'm trying to adjust a key offset ( audibly ), to get an idea of how many keys to  edit transpose.   A Plus or minus 1  at the edges of the slider would be helpful as well as a numeric input. 

Makes sense.  Finding a specific value with the slider widgets is a problem. For me the Shift+mouse wheel method works in part because I am comfortable with using the mouse  and the rectangular widgets are nice, large hot spots.  I can understand that for others clicking on the widget and typing a number might be easier. Maybe the developers can redesign the widget.

9 hours ago, murat k. said:

Press Enter.       image.png.ce1394bb7c02a74e347ad70f11108532.png

9 hours ago, sjoens said:

ENTER works on Key+ & Time+.  


Edited by User 905133
(2) Struck out comment and added solution that was already there! (1) fixed a typo
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9 hours ago, murat k. said:

Press Enter.                      image.png.ce1394bb7c02a74e347ad70f11108532.png

9 hours ago, sjoens said:

Voila! ENTER works on Key+ & Time+

Verified.  Nevertheless some people will still complain for some reason or another or a different reason. ? 

Seriously, though, maybe the double click option that works for the Time+ slider could be set up for the Key+ slider?

Edited by User 905133
added a missing word
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