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This is why I despise Apple's!


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I've had a few iPhones and iPads for many years but have tried to avoid them the last several years.  I still have a generation 1 iPad that up until recently has worked great even though I can't update the OS any longer for some newer apps.  I also have a newer one I purchased last year for a Square POS system.  I decided just to downsize and only use the newer one.  However, it's been months since I've used it and could not come up with the PIN I set up (I'm old!!).  The blood began to boil because I knew it was going to be an ordeal dealing with the mother of the universe.

I was encouraged when I was able to get to a recovery process I thought wouldn't be too difficult but soon became irritated when I was told I would receive an email "this time tomorrow" (24hrs) with recovery instructions.  Okay, just breathe and wait it out.

So, I got the email this morning - one minute short of the 24 hour period.  What does it say???  December 16th?!?!?!?!  I can't think of ONE non profane word at the moment.

"An account recovery request was made for your Apple ID.

Dear Wren,

An account recovery request for your Apple ID (xxxxxxxx) was made from an iPad near xxxxxxxx,xx on December 2, 2022 at 7:51:44 AM CST. The contact phone number provided was +1 xxx-xxx-xxxx.

You will receive a text or a phone call at this number when your account is ready to recover on December 16, 2022 at 7:51:44 AM CST. For updated status information or to provide additional information to help recover your account, visit https://iforgot.apple.com."


EDIT: well, I finally came up with my 6 digit pin (I was one number off).  But, my rant still stands.  After verifying by texting security codes to my phone AND email, why would Apple or any company go to these lengths other than an obsession to control?  I've not experienced anything like it even with companies that manage my passwords (ironic, I know), websites, and finances.

Edited by Fwrend
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This ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

Just spent three hours trying to load some eBooks on Mrs AndyB01's iPad. Christ alive, why is Apple kit so damned unintuitive and why do they have to make everything so painful and difficult to do? ?

Give me a PC or Android any day of the week - at least then, I feel like I'm actually in control.

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I dislike Apple because their mantra is "Update or die" :D

Actually, I have no choice but to use Windows. I write aftermarket styles for Band-in-a-Box, and the BiaB StyleMaker app on Windows is much better than the same app on Mac. The Windows version allows me to make better styles.

The better styles play just fine on the Mac, but a few of the StyleMaker features are missing on the Mac.

This has nothing to do with Apple, but everything to do with PG Music. I can't blame them, 95% of the market is Windows. Put your money where the money is.


My last Mac was a big, beautiful EMac. It was OSX on the IBM chip. I had a software author pro member$hip $ub$cription, and a sales rep talked me into buying it. Less than a month later, Apple changed to Intel chips, and my big, beautiful, expensive EMac was destined to be a doorstop. The rep could have told me to wait a month, but I guess she was so intent on getting her commission, she didn't care about what the customer needed.

Other than an iPad which I bought years later, that was the last Mac I owned. And I have had a Mac ever since the Motorola chip days.


Notes ♫

Edited by Notes_Norton
typo - I'm typoman, writing all wrongs
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57 minutes ago, Byron Dickens said:

Don't get me started on f***ing itunes....

Yep, in fact it was iTunes that was the beginning of the end of Apple for me.  Might have been a PC/iTunes thing but I absolutely hated to wait on iTunes to update my library - just a painful time-consuming ordeal.  I'm sure it has gotten better (or not) but I guarantee you I won't be finding out.

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4 hours ago, craigb said:




I'm  not an Apple fan by any means (I find MacOS clunky in the extreme), but when you compare an iPhone/iPad UI to the cluster.... that is the Android ecosystem's UI, I'd say they've got a lot right.  Mind you, my work provides me with an Android phone, so I'm not persuaded enough by the UI to forego a free phone ?

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5 hours ago, Fwrend said:

I've had a few iPhones and iPads for many years but have tried to avoid them the last several years.  I still have a generation 1 iPad that up until recently has worked great even though I can't update the OS any longer for some newer apps.  I also have a newer one I purchased last year for a Square POS system.  I decided just to downsize and only use the newer one.  However, it's been months since I've used it and could not come up with the PIN I set up (I'm old!!).  The blood began to boil because I knew it was going to be an ordeal dealing with the mother of the universe.

I was encouraged when I was able to get to a recovery process I thought wouldn't be too difficult but soon became irritated when I was told I would receive an email "this time tomorrow" (24hrs) with recovery instructions.  Okay, just breathe and wait it out.

So, I got the email this morning - one minute short of the 24 hour period.  What does it say???  December 16th?!?!?!?!  I can't think of ONE non profane word at the moment.

"An account recovery request was made for your Apple ID.

Dear Wren,

An account recovery request for your Apple ID (xxxxxxxx) was made from an iPad near xxxxxxxx,xx on December 2, 2022 at 7:51:44 AM CST. The contact phone number provided was +1 xxx-xxx-xxxx.

You will receive a text or a phone call at this number when your account is ready to recover on December 16, 2022 at 7:51:44 AM CST. For updated status information or to provide additional information to help recover your account, visit https://iforgot.apple.com."


EDIT: well, I finally came up with my 6 digit pin (I was one number off).  But, my rant still stands.  After verifying by texting security codes to my phone AND email, why would Apple or any company go to these lengths other than an obsession to control?  I've not experienced anything like it even with companies that manage my passwords (ironic, I know), websites, and finances.

I always write my codes down on an Excel sheet.

That way if i forget them, (I’m also old) i just look them up.


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42 minutes ago, Jeremy Oakes said:

I always write my codes down on an Excel sheet.

Yep, was thinking the other day maybe I should have a "little black book" where I write down much of what I have digitally.  This, not just to remember but also to pass along to my son (or grandkids) who have a propensity for music production all of my login and email information.  If nothing else, it makes me feel a bit better about all the money I've thrown at the non-physical items I've purchased.  But, I like Excel for that as well.  Thanks for the idea.

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1 hour ago, Jeremy Oakes said:

I always write my codes down on an Excel sheet.

That way if i forget them, (I’m also old) i just look them up.


I've used Lastpass for years now.  Much better than a password-locked Excel sheet (which I, like any other nerd, can hack into in just a few seconds).  Plus you can access everything from any device, including a new one.

Check it out!



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I guess I have been lucky as switching to Apple has made my life a whole lot simpler in general.

Not that I don't have any grievances, mind you, but they are fewer and pale in comparison to those I have with, say, my bank and a number of other entities. And don't get me started about Google...

I am using Apple products all day long every day - my computer, phone, the Apple TV, Apple's streaming service. Unless I am reading a book or in the dojo, there is an Apple device in use in this house. And in 12 years, I had to contact them maybe 4 or 5 times.

Had an issue last month with a subscription which had been accidentally been activated and charged. Chatted with them - the chat session was a bit longer than I expected but everything was fixed and I was fully reimbursed within 48 hours.

I am writing this on my 2014 iMac, running the most recent Apple OS. To be honest, this computer is on its last leg,  but it has served me well for such a long time that I can't complain. 

I am still using my 2010 MacBook Pro. Through the years, with OS upgrades and all, it became sluggish, but a clean install of its original OS and it's running as swiftly as it did the day I ytook it out of the box.  Of course, the sofwtare is obsolete. But it works perfectly fine. Logic 9 runs as flawlessly as ever, and remaines the most solid DAW/OS combination I have ever worked with.

But yeah I do have grievences. For exemple, in October when I upgraded OS, my iTunes library was transferred to Apple Music. In the process, album covers got all messed up. So, for example, of the +40 Iron Maiden albums in my library, at least 30 were assigned the cover of Piece of Mind.

I have been through that process of downloading and replacing albums covers in iTunes too often for one lifeltime already...

And I dread the upgrade. I am not happy with the iMac options they have - 2 USB ports and a default 256 GB HD? Are you kidding me? My old iMac has a 1 TB HD and 4 USB ports!

Still, overall, worth it for me.

Edited by Rain
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16 hours ago, Rain said:

And don't get me started about Google...

This, for sure.  I think Google has accelerated, strategically perhaps, to weave its tentacles into most everything - which also drives me nuts!

At the second church I served in Louisville, KY, the Youth Pastor used a Mac and did mostly graphic work for the church and on the side.  I was tempted back then however, because of an "awakening" with my first ever computer (a Compaq for the family), I quickly realized how confining and proprietary it was.  So, I bought an Amiga :).

Speaking of old computers, not my main DAW, but I am still using the first DAW I built (okay, maybe my second) with an Intel DP35DP, quad core, & 8 Gb RAM.  I'm about to put it down but it also has been faithful for 15 years now through four Windows OSes (I skipped a few).

@Rain, I appreciate your insights and history - there is a lot to like about Apple.  I know there are wins and losses on both sides which is really the curse that goes along with the blessings of technology.  But waiting over two weeks to recover an account?  Nope.  We live in a rural area and the closest Apple store is an hour away.

Edited by Fwrend
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19 hours ago, Byron Dickens said:

Don't get me started on f***ing itunes....

Itunes is really bad for updating songs & getting them to your phone. I can't even get any songs into my phone anymore. My itunes decided it didn't like my phone anymore. That is why I bought a Sansa player.

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I had an iPhone 3. Immediately I realized what a 'closed' OS was. 

Never had or used an Apple pc. Never wanted to after the iPhone 3 especially.

So I got a Windows phone! Great phone. Great OS (for the time). Worst support in cell phone history. So when that phone no longer worked (Samsung BlackJack), I believed again and bought another Windows phone! I was assured that they would not abandon this OS! They bought Nokia (maker of the best cell phone ever, the first Lumia) and drove that company into the ground before they abandoned that Windows phone altogether. Talk about opportunity squandered.

And now I have a Samsung S10. It's alright. And at work we have some kind of iPhone. I looked in the 'About' screen to see which iPhone it is. All it's got is a long model number.  It's reminded me why I don't want anymore Apple products. I just ain't gelling with it at all.

Edited by Grem
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12 minutes ago, Grem said:

They bought Nokia (maker of the best cell phone ever, the first Lumia) and drove that company into the ground before they abandoned that Windows phone altogether. Talk about opportunity squandered.

Yeah, in theory they had all the ingredients there. Hard to believe that they made such a mess of it really.

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