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Humble Bundle Vegas Pro Bundle

Larry Shelby

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  On 12/1/2022 at 7:18 PM, Jeremy Oakes said:

still, not bad for the price


This would upgrade my Vegas Pro Edit from 15 to 18 and my Sound Forge Audio Studio from 13 to 16.

Too good a deal to pass up, although I don't necessarily trust MAGIX' updates. The first MAGIX version of Vegas Pro I got was a huge improvement over the previous Sony version, but subsequent updates haven't been as stable for me. I do recommend to anyone using Vegas Pro that you go on YouTube and check out the videos about how to deep dive into the settings to make Vegas more stable and efficient.

My last Sound Forge update added more support for plug-ins, which I never use in Sound Forge. The unfortunate side effect (no pun) of this was that startup ground to a halt while it enumerated every plug-in. Looks like 16 has some interesting features like Explorer context menu format conversion.

I'd like to check out the controversial overhaul of Movie Studio as well.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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  On 12/1/2022 at 9:01 PM, Starship Krupa said:

The unfortunate side effect (no pun) of this was that startup ground to a halt while it enumerated every plug-in.


You can disable this:

- Hold down shift while opening Preferences

- Navigate to the previously hidden Internal tab

- Search for "grovel"

- Change the values for VST and DirectX to false

- Click OK and restart and enjoy

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Torn between this or going for the version 20 (which is still on black friday sale $99.00AUD) 18 is 2 versions behind but contains most of the important changes from my version (16) with color grading panels, video stabilization, picture in picture warping, LUT options and a heap of other useful things $39.00AUD. All the other stuff in the Humble Bundle, I probably won't use. 

The new version is said to be officially supported on windows 11, which I am running but previous versions are not officially supported but I have had no problem running version 16 on windows 11.

For those confused about different versions of Vegas Pro, they are all the same, Vegas edit is not a cut down version of Vegas Pro, it works like this:

Vegas Pro (edit)       =   Vegas Pro
Vegas Pro                    =   Vegas Pro + third party extensions
Vegas Pro post         =   Vegas Pro + third party extensions + All the post stuff like Vegas FX, Vegas Image etc

I have my own third party extensions so I always only get the Vegas Pro (edit) version. So effectively, I have the Vegas Pro +? package.

It does look like Magix are supporting and moving forward with the development of Vegas, with the introduction of the Post and subscription options and the obvious tweaking of old plugins and introduction of new plugins/functions and refinement of the interface.

Before, I wouldn't have edited a short film on Vegas but now I would. Nevertheless, they do seem to be targeting "content creators", those with multi-media ingestion needs for Youtube videos, Commercial advertising, documentaries etc without referring specifically to filmmakers. But I guess that is where all the action is these days for video editing software companies.

Edited by Tezza
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Also, for those wanting tutorials, there is a guy on Youtube, Josh, who runs Scrapyard Films, he's a young guy but absolutely thrashes Vegas in his use of it and has a lot of useful information about using it and setup and addressing any problems you might encounter etc.

With regards to stability of Vegas, personally, I have not had a problem with it, but I use 3 hardrives in my setup and always have since the dark days where I tried to run on one drive. I would say that if you want to get into video editing having at least 2 drives with Vegas is a must and having 16gig of ram will get you there for 1080p video. Having a card with 4 -6 gig of ram will hep tremendously but as far as the CPU goes, not that important. I was running on a 3rd gen intel i5 and editing 1080p native out of the camera was quite easy and stable with these other additions.

I've since beefed up the system with an 11thgen i7, 32gig of ram and have retained my 3 hard drive set up with 2 Nvme drives and 1 SSD.

You do have to set up Vegas for your system and the content you wish to edit, there are a number of check boxes to be ticked and unticked depending on your set up to get super smooth performance. But it might also work great straight out of the box.


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  On 12/2/2022 at 1:02 AM, Tezza said:

I would say that if you want to get into video editing having at least 2 drives with Vegas is a must


Interesting. I do have 2 drives, but why is it a must? I want to make sure that I'm getting the benefits you allude to.

Is there a configuration step I don't know about that pertains to multiple drives?

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  On 12/2/2022 at 1:41 AM, Starship Krupa said:

Interesting. I do have 2 drives, but why is it a must? I want to make sure that I'm getting the benefits you allude to.

Is there a configuration step I don't know about that pertains to multiple drives?


Not really, but the traditional setup is usually:

Drive 1: OS and Apps

Drive 2: Project files

Drive 3: Assets/raw video

Also, for rendering, being able to draw from your assets and project files and rendering back to a different drive (drive 1 C?) will be better. With 2 drives, the OS and Apps (like vegas pro) could be on one and the project files/assets could be on 2 and when rendering, render back to drive 1.

3 hard drives is better if you are converting camera footage as well, raw video on 1 then render converted footage on to 2 (in project files) keeping raw and converted footage on different drives etc

I would consider 2 hard drives to be minimum because 1 drives vegas pro and os, the other feeds through video and assets splitting the workload a bit, you can also then render on to a different drive, which from my experience is always faster and more stable. If I had 2 drives, I would probably partition one of them to provide 2 virtual drives on the one drive, mainly for organizational purposes.

It's a bit like audio management as well, I guess, people use different systems, sometimes with many hard drives depending on their needs, I've found this works for me and seems to be the conventional wisdom stemming back from many years ago, although even considering the greater speeds of todays drives, it seems that basic setup hasn't changed much because as the speed of the drives has increased, the size of video files has also increased.




Edited by Tezza
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The title selection of these MAGIX Humble Bundles always makes me scratch my head.

Music Maker Premium, well, okay, but why bother with Music Maker EDM if all the EDM version has is EDM-oriented soundpools? Why not just bundle the soundpools?

Vegas Pro AND Movie Maker? I'm not complaining, I have Movie Maker on my 14" laptop, but isn't it kinda superfluous for most people who have Vegas Pro?

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  On 12/1/2022 at 11:48 PM, Kevin Perry said:

You can disable this:

- Hold down shift while opening Preferences

- Navigate to the previously hidden Internal tab

- Search for "grovel"

- Change the values for VST and DirectX to false

- Click OK and restart and enjoy


Does this apply to VEGAS also?

EDIT: Yes it does, you get the hidden internal tab BUT no "grovel" to set DX or VST to false.

I did find a way of getting around this sort of with vid apps. I have my EFX ( vst and vst3 ) in separate folders from the VST instruments. I dont see any reason for having VST instruments inside vegas audio wise ( being a guitar player ) 


Edited by aidan o driscoll
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This is interesting as you can currently get the upgrade in the UK to Vegas 20 Edit for £57, and Vegas 20 Pro for £98 if you need the third-party add-ons. Although I stopped buying Vegas at version 15 as it used to crash while rendering, I did like its workflow.

I have been using free DaVinci Resolve since then and I like it a lot, but I'm starting to want the Studio version features. Resolve Studio though would cost me £330 inc VAT, compared to £57 for Vegas 20 Edit (all I need for the same reason as @Tezza), and I'm also curious to see how far Vegas has come since version 15.  This HB deal adds another option - Vegas 18 Edit for £20.99.

I found the information below on the main differences between Vegas 18, 19 and 20. I'm not interested in the filler that comes with the Humble Bundle deal, so the extra £36 for Vegas 20 Edit might be a better deal to get all the latest features.  Anyway, I am still pondering this at the moment as every pound spent on other NLEs could be put towards Davinci Resolve Studio.




Edited by ZincT
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  On 12/2/2022 at 3:28 PM, aidan o driscoll said:

Does this apply to VEGAS also?

EDIT: Yes it does, you get the hidden internal tab BUT no "grovel" to set DX or VST to false.

I did find a way of getting around this sort of with vid apps. I have my EFX ( vst and vst3 ) in separate folders from the VST instruments. I dont see any reason for having VST instruments inside vegas audio wise ( being a guitar player )


You can also simply blank out the VST paths in VEGAS preferences and "apply". No more "grovelling" for VSTs! :)

But that is a good idea to create a separate folder for FX plugins, or at least a subset of them that might be useful in an audio or video editor.

Edited by abacab
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I went for this. I had 15 installed up to now. With plugs 15 took a bit to load and sometimes with new plugs added it wouldnt even load. 

Now with 19 installed the difference is night and day. Way more solid, loads plugs 15 would not ..  seems faster all around .. worth the €24 for me anyway

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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  On 12/2/2022 at 3:28 PM, aidan o driscoll said:

Does this apply to VEGAS also?

EDIT: Yes it does, you get the hidden internal tab BUT no "grovel" to set DX or VST to false.

I did find a way of getting around this sort of with vid apps. I have my EFX ( vst and vst3 ) in separate folders from the VST instruments. I dont see any reason for having VST instruments inside vegas audio wise ( being a guitar player ) 



Ah - you're right.  I thought it was in VEGAS too, not just Sound Forge.  Sorry!  There is a VST grovel timeout in my version, but I don't know what that does (apart from seeming to be set to 20000ms).


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