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Your enunciation, when you tail off at the end of a line, is just major league. Another solid creation. The drums seem a little low to me personally, that is only only thing that sticks out to me. Also, if the drums are virtual, I'd plug in a different kit to spice it up. But those are just nitpicky things and does not detract from your work.

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Hello HockeyJX! I will go back in to the project before publish and try and make the drums more present, and I will also look at other drum kits to spice it up thanks for your input, it is very helpful!

Nitpicky comments are exactly what I am looking for! 



This song really challenged my ears, during the mastering phase my ears became useless. They were so fatigued that everything sounded harsh and flat.

Having good meters were very helpful in that instance. A few days later my ears can now pick up where they left off.

The trick is to bring out as much detail in the lead instruments as possible without it sounding brash.


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Another great song Rex, my only crit, I felt the piano VST was a little 'dull' in terms of its voicing - not sure - perhaps it needs a touch of reverb to give it some sparkle or maybe a different VST?

However I am also nitpicking - lovely harmonies  as always and I thought the panning of them worked well.


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Hey Andy! I spent about 5 more hours on the song tonight (until my ears were saturated again).

I added some chorus to the piano, it helped some... 

I also changed the drum voicings as well. I added some heavy compression to the drums and convolution reverb settings as well.

At least the drums meld into the song more rather than just sit there.

Maybe the piano needs an octave lower as well. I will think about it, It need something more maybe. I've got a day or so before the song gets published.


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Thank you Wookie, I appreciate the compliment very much! I just a moment ago uploaded a new version of the song. 

It is 7am in the morning, been up all night working on it.

I changed the piano to a 12 sting solo I played in the instrumental portions of the song.

Now matter what I did the piano just would not fit right.

Let me know any more critiques no matter how small. ?

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7 hours ago, RexRed said:

Hey Andy! I spent about 5 more hours on the song tonight (until my ears were saturated again).

I added some chorus to the piano, it helped some... 

Maybe the piano needs an octave lower as well. I will think about it. It need something more maybe. I've got a day or so before the song gets published.

I changed the piano to a 12-string solo I played in the instrumental portions of the song.

No matter what I did the piano just would not fit right.

I admire your dedication and effort - it shows in your work and the results you achieve. I like the new version, agree about the mandolin - very nice touch.


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