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Young People Try Windows 98


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7 hours ago, User 905133 said:

"This runs better that Windows 11."  If that's the case, I'll stick with Win 10.

I think they were serious.

W98 was bad but W98SE was much better. That was when I got into DAWs.  I started out on Voyetra Digital Orchestra Pro and moved up to Home Studio. W2000 is my favorite OS. 

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6 minutes ago, Notes_Norton said:

BTW, the only problem I have with Win11 is that I can't move the taskbar to the top of the screen anymore.

This is another reason for me not to get Windows 11.  With XP I used to have toolbars on all 4 sides of a single monitor.  It worked for ages. But then some people with issues complained when they accidentally moved docked toolbars and they floated on the desktop and they had no idea how it happened and how to redock it.  So MS called it a rogue feature created by some random developer and Windows 10 only allows docking on one edge of a monitor. 

So, since my monitor is wider than it is tall, ever since I have had Win 10, I use the height for content and the left edge for the taskbar.  It seems a waste of valuable real estate to have it on the bottom.  

If you create a movement to get MS to stop deciding what is best for customers and getting rid of customer choices, let me know.  How about a change.org petition?

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 This video brought back some memories and most were good for this version of windows.  What I really thought was "funny" was how they referred to the version of windows that they used in school. We were still using slide rules ! This is a  Halloween Community College project I created (music computer lit) using a Win 98 notebook running Music Creator 3  (I think). The finished wav then went to the film class for a video production. It was pretty cool , wish I still had a copy ..   All done in piano roll with a wireless mouse.   "Never" froze or crashed .    I Much later ran the original thru Ozone for a final mix , and kept it just for the memory.      Enjoy  or not ..  mark     


Edited by mark skinner
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We had to use slide rules because the poorer kids couldn't afford a calculator.

Who needs more than 3 significant digits anyway.

I tossed the slide rule when I got the Texas Instruments scientific calculator.

Back to windows.

Now that I'm no longer doing scientific calculations (I graduated) the calculator in Windows is all I need.


Notes ♫

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I wonder if it's technically possible to make windows 98 look morden by customizing icons and all.

For me, I was playing computer games with win98 back then. There were a lot of Japanese games.

And I remember the music of these games were different depending on the computer. I still don't know exactly how and why. I was always enjoying these sounds.

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10 minutes ago, Quick Math said:

I wonder if it's technically possible to make windows 98 look morden by customizing icons and all.

For me, I was playing computer games with win98 back then. There were a lot of Japanese games.

And I remember the music of these games were different depending on the computer. I still don't know exactly how and why. I was always enjoying these sounds.

I think they would take advantage of General MIDI and what you heard depended upon the implementation on your computer, though I'm not positive.  Heck, General MIDI might be an officer in their Army for all I know! ?

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